Page 22 of Rise

“Carrot, can you believe it? It’s my first bike rally. Ahh, I’m so excited!” Lena was giddy with excitement; she was literally bouncing off the walls.

“I know Pea. I’m so stoked. I still can’t believe I’m going with Tank too. I’m just glad he’s home for this one. This is great. We get to have a great time and help raise money for people with Down syndrome!”

There was an annual You Cannot Put Them Down Awareness event on the coast.

It was a full-day event; bikers ride from one half of the coast in a town then meet the next bikers and continue to the next set.

The best thing about the event was that people with Down Syndrome got to ride on the backs of the bikes and they got to travel with a cool group of people. Then from an anonymous donor, they were all flown back to their homes.

It was a great event and seeing their smiles was worth it all. To which Lena agreed not even seconds later, “Right! I swear seeing their smiles is going to be my favorite part!”

After I ate my burrito, locked up the house, and then arm in arm the two of us headed to the clubhouse.

We had just crossed the back lot and then headed to the front so we could mount up when my dad called out for us to do so.

My eyes were searching for Tank, and when I didn’t see him, I started to head inside the clubhouse while Lena walked over to her father’s bike and settled on the back of it.

But before I could spin all the way around, that deep rumbly voice that I’d missed said behind me, “Good Morning, Gray.”

Spinning around, I looked up at Tank with a smile on my face, and said, “Good Morning, Tank.”

Moving forward I wrapped my arms around his waist and smiled even wider as he pulled me in closer to his body. Dang, but I had missed this.

With my face buried in his chest, I said softly, “Thank you for carrying me to bed and tucking me in. Thank you for cleaning up the kitchen for me. You didn’t have to do that.”

I could hear the smile in his voice, “Gray, I’m gone more than I’m home. I’m here, I’m helping you.”

That all too familiar instant shiver wracked my body, and I knew he felt it when his arms tightened even harder around me.

“Now, you riding with me?” He asked, pulling my head away from his chest, I looked up into his eyes and then started to nod until I heard something that had me gritting my teeth.

“I thought I was riding with you?” Her voice. My god, it rubbed me the wrong way. Everything about her did that.

Summer had been approved to be a club girl two months ago, and I knew she had already been with almost every single member.

Rumor was, she was looking to be an old lady.

“Nah. When I’m home only one person is on the back of my bike.” Tank told her while keeping his eyes locked with mine. “So, you riding with me?”

“My helmet in your saddlebags?” I asked, making a point.

He winked down at me, knowing what I was doing, “Where the fuck else would it be?”

Laughing, I squeezed him one more time then let go and started to head for his bike.

That was until he tagged my hand and then said, “Meet you over there. Gotta grab my wallet.”

Nodding, I headed for his bike, opened his saddle bags, and then grabbed my helmet.

I was sitting on his bike talking to Lena when she winked at me and then nodded at the door to the clubhouse.

With my shades on I was really able to take my fill of him.

When I saw Tank emerge I may or may not have gotten a little weak in the knees seeing that man. Thank goodness I was sitting down. I didn’t get to do this earlier.

But he did this to me every single freaking time.

He looked so good under his kutte and his black tight-fitting shirt. Not to mention he had on light-washed jeans that hugged his muscular thighs so well it should be a sin and his black motorcycle boots.