Page 21 of Rise

No matter how well you plan them, everything goes to complete and utter shit.

Pressing another kiss on her forehead, I looked at the picture on her nightstand, smiled, and tapped it.

It was a picture of the two of us, in fact, it was the same one I had on my home screen on my cell.

She had her legs wrapped around my waist. My arms were around her back, her long dark auburn hair was flowing down in curls, and her head was tilted as she laughed her ass off at something I’d said. I remembered the feeling of her in my arms, but not a freaking clue to what I’d said that had her laughing like that.

Shaking my head, I walked out of her bedroom and closed her door so the sounds I was about to make didn’t startle her awake.

Once I was in the kitchen, I put the leftovers in the fridge and loaded up the dishwasher.

After I made my rounds and made sure the house was locked up tight to ensure her safety, I headed to the clubhouse.

That night as I lay there in bed, I started planning the day out that I was finally making her mine.

However, that planning had to take a back burner because tomorrow we are all going on a charity run for a very special boy and I needed to have my head in the game with her on the back of my bike.

Because I would be damned if I did something stupid that opened up the option of her being hurt on my watch.

Chapter 5


When I got up the next morning, it took me a bit to realize just where I was, and then it hit me as I took in my bedroom.

Sighing, I got up and headed for the bathroom to do my morning ritual.

Knowing what today held, I went ahead and took a shower, and then did my skincare routine.

After I was satisfied, I pulled on a pair of light-washed skinny jeans, my knee-high black boots with a little two-inch heel because I was going to be on the bike today, and a loose-fitting long-sleeve white shirt.

Since I would be on the bike, I went ahead and added some product to my hair and then put it in a braid so that when I took it out it would be extra curly seeing as my hair was already curly.

After throwing on some deodorant and some perfume, I headed out of my room.

It wasn’t until I checked my dad’s room, upon seeing his bed completely made, I realized that he hadn’t come home that night, that I realized just who had carried me to bed.

Dang, it. I lived for the moments I was in his arms, and I slept right through it. What the heck bells Raine?

I sighed, then walked into the kitchen and made myself a quick breakfast, which consisted of popping a premade steak and egg burrito in the microwave.

Then while that cooked, I made myself a cup of coffee. I was in the middle of adding the caramel syrup to my cup when there was a rat-a-tat on the door. Knowing who that was, I called out, “It’s open.”

Hearing the door open and then close, I grinned as Lena entered the house.

“Hey girl, how did I do for my first bike rally?” She asked as she held her arms out and then spun around.

I grinned at her and then started to laugh.

She looked at me like I had a screw loose, and then taking in what I had on she started laughing as well.

“This wasn't planned.” And I said that because we were dressed the same, only her jeans were dark washed compared to mine.

I nodded at her straightened hair, “Want me to braid your hair? It’ll get tangled if you leave it long like that.”

She nodded and then said, “I’m making a cup of coffee first.”

I nodded, then while she did that, I braided her hair for her.