Page 17 of Rise

Vanilla and caramel. Two of my favorite scents ever.

Pressing a kiss to her temple after I sat her back on her feet, I winked at her after seeing her rolling her eyes, but that shit-eating grin on her face was prominent as hell.

When I finally pulled away from her it was to see the meathead still standing there fucking looking at the two of us.

“What the fuck are you still standing there for? Want to buy a ticket or some shit?” I asked him.

The boy decided to be all snotty and shit, and had the nerve to puff out his chest at me, really? Fucking. Really?

Raine saw it too, and she giggled.

He was five inches shorter than me and about a hundred pounds lighter.

He looked me up and down and asked with his nose turned up, “Raine, do you know this man?”

What? Did he think his shit didn’t stink or something?

“Kyle, this is Tank, my best friend.” As she said that, I saw something in her eyes, and then… yeah, she scrunched her nose and bit the corner of her lip. Her tell.

I knew there was more to it, but this wasn’t the right time to ask her about it.

“Tank, this is Kyle. He’s in a few of my classes and is a friend.” The fucker didn’t like that she called him a friend. He gave that fact away when the corner of his eye twitched.

“Nice to meet you, bro. If you’ll excuse us, we have plans.” The fucker said to me.

See, I was damn good at my job. So good that I could read a person I’d never fucking met.

I could even tell you what they more than likely had for dinner two weeks ago.

And judging by the tightening of his lips, and the creases around his eyes, he was trying to show me that she was his and that he didn’t appreciate me stopping them from shopping. What also stood out was the way his hands were shaking, and when he saw that I noticed them, he shoved them into his pockets.

Ignoring him, I asked Raine, “What are you up to Gray?”

“We’re grabbing food so I can cook it and refuel after we did that assignment I mentioned earlier. I think it kicked both of our butts.” She told me as she gestured to a few things in the cart.

“Need any help?” I asked her. I hoped like hell she would say yes. Going another day without her when I was here, well, I couldn’t fucking do it.

“No, we’ve got all the help…” He trailed off as I tossed a glare his way, I only reserved for people who were dangerously close to eating one of my bullets.

Needless to say, he shut the fuck up.

“I wasn’t asking you fucker. First, don’t ever wrap your arm around Raine again. Better yet always keep at least twenty feet between the two of you. Second, I’m not your bro. What I am is a man that knows how to kill someone two hundred and thirty-seven ways, and by the way, that number is still climbing.”

He swallowed thickly, I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down.

Raine looked up at me and said, “Really Tank? We are in the same class, and we were assigned to do this by our teacher. It's kind of impossible to keep that many feet away from each other.”

I looked down at her and shrugged my shoulders, “Don’t give a fuck. I don’t need to be over there worrying about some limp dick fucker making you uncomfortable. Wait… I got an idea.” I told her with a wink then I looked at the meathead.

I refused to use his name. “I need your license.”

The meathead’s posture stiffened, “The fuck for?”

“So, I can give it to my brothers. That way, if Raine says you got close to her, I can have them pay you a visit.” I raised my brows and tapped at my kutte.

I knew it before he even said it, “Best friends you say? Right. Fuck this shit, I’m out of here.”

“Good riddance mother fucker.” I mumbled.