Page 27 of Cold As Ice

So, it was no surprise when she got up to use the bathroom that they had in a small building where they housed the cold stuff and I saw the guy that had been checking her out get up and mimic her movements.

I couldn’t tell you how much it ate at me that I couldn’t get up from my seat and grab the man by his throat and slam his face into the wood on the picnic table for even daring to look at her, much less for following her.

Instead of eating, my eyes were trained on the bathroom, and when she came out, so did the guy.

I watched from my position as he said something to her, and I saw she wasn’t taking anything he was saying to her to heart.

But something he said had her tossing her head back and laughing at him in his face. She shook her head then and pushed by him then started walking back to me.

That was when I saw the man reach out to grab her forearm.

I was up and out of my seat faster than I could blink and was hauling ass over there to her.

But I stopped halfway and just watched the show as it played out in front of me.

The man barely got a hand on her forearm before she spun on him, pulled something from the small of her back, and pointed it at the man’s head.

“I told you no. No, I didn’t want your number. No, I don’t want to see how well you can fuck me. And no, I don’t want to see that limp, small pencil dick you have in your pants. I know it's small because only men with small dicks don’t take no for an answer. And if you ever call the man I am sitting across from nothing but a no-good biker again, I'll show you why Saturday is my favorite day of the week.”

With that said, she walked backward, and when she was a safe enough distance from the man, only then did she give the man her back.

Instead of walking over to me, she walked over to the woman that was in tears and said, “You deserve better than a man that cheats on you. Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve.”

I was still standing there when I noticed the hostess had something in her hand that she had crumpled up. “What's that?”

“Umm it was my number, but I don’t want to piss her off now.” And then the hostess was beating her feet back to the stand.

And all I could do was chuckle.

When Gabriella made it back to me, I smiled down at her. “You didn’t need me, did you?”

She shook her head but then said something that shocked the fuck out of me, “No, but I am glad that had I not had that handled, you would have, with no questions asked.”

“So, do you want to hand me the ten? Because I owe you five.” I asked as we both sat back down and finished eating. Which had her chuckling right along with me.

After I paid our bill, we were walking out to the bike when from the corner of my eye I saw that same woman giving that man hell. When she called him a little bitch, I wanted to laugh and shout out you go girl, but when I saw him bring his hand back to smack her across the face, I saw red.

The moment his hand hit her cheek I let out a bellow and then charged the man. I was five steps from him, and then I brought my arm back, and let it sail into the man’s face.

Grunting in satisfaction when the man’s head snapped back, his eyes closed, and then he hit the ground. Knocked out cold.

Just then I felt Gabriella at my back. She walked around me to the woman and said, “Hey honey, what’s your name?”

The woman nodded and said, “Sonja.”

“Hi Sonja, my name is Gabby, and this is Pipe. Is there anyone we can call for you?”

She was shaken up and murmured, “My brother, Hammer, please.”

I’ve heard of a Hammer. He was a member of Wrath MC, South Carolina chapter. Couldn't be the same man. No way would that man tolerate his sister being married to this piece of shit.

Gabriella nodded and then handed Sonja her phone. After she tapped the number in, Gabriella placed the call on speaker.

It rang twice, then we heard, “Speak.”

“Hi, I’m looking for Hammer. Is this him?”

“You called the number woman.”