Page 32 of Unsure in Love

Maybe he’d stay away, and I’d let him. My pride wouldn’t allow me to chase after someone who wanted nothing to do with me. Pressing a palm to my stomach, I tried to shove down the wave of apprehension that threatened to consume me.

Though I would never admit to someone else that I was terrified about going through a pregnancy and raising a child on my own, I could admit it to myself. Sadly, I gazed at my phone, which hadn’t rung yet. After Damian texted this afternoon that we were still on for dinner tonight, I hadn’t heard another word. It was going on eight now and I’d concluded that he wasn’t going to show up.

Since he didn’t call, I hadn’t even bothered to get dressed. I sat in the middle of the bed in my pajamas, ready to try to get some sleep. Hopefully, sleep wouldn’t be as elusive tonight as it had been for a while.

Sighing heavily, I picked up the phone and considered calling my sisters. One of our group chats would lift my spirits. But I dropped the phone, remembering that Lucy and April had their significant others to spend time with. Ruby was busy with school stuff and Tessa was probably entertaining customers at the Inn. I hated how alone I felt. Then again, maybe it was best if I didn’t talk with my sisters. I’d have to lie about what a great time I was having at my non-existent tattoo convention.

Just as I was about to lie down, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Damian telling me he was on his way up. My heart soared and the amount of relief that swamped me bordered on pathetic. By the time I scrambled out of bed, there was a knock on the door, so I couldn’t get myself together. I finger-combed my hair on the way to open it.

Damian stood with his hands in his pocket, gazing down the hallway. When he turned to face me, he frowned. “Cass, hey. You’re not dressed.”

He was wearing a suit, so I guess he came straight from work.

“I didn’t think you were coming.”

“What are you talking about? I texted you.”

“At two. I assumed you changed your mind when seven rolled around, and you didn’t show.”

He sighed. “I’m sorry I’m late. I went for a few drinks with Ken. While I was sobering up, I got a call for a meeting. My assistant screwed up some dates. I had to meet with a client half wasted. It was a disaster.”

I blinked. “You had to sober up?”

His sheepish grin had me amused. “Long story.”

Eyes narrowing, I crossed my arms. “You freaked out about the whole pregnancy thing, didn’t you?”

“No. No… I just hung out with Ken…”

I lifted an eyebrow.

He looked skyward. “Alright, yes, I had a moment of panic.” The guilt that flickered across his face softened me. I’d lost count of how many of those moments I had, so I couldn’t be mad at him for one.

“But you came back,” I said.

Dark brown eyes bore into mine. “I said I would.”

Angling my chin up, I shrug. “Well, I don’t have much faith in people so…”

“You mean you have no faith in me?”

“People, in general, so don’t take it personally.”

Damian’s sigh rang with patience. “I’m going to have a difficult time getting you to trust me, aren’t I?” He shrugged. “That’s fine. I’m a patient guy. Even if it takes until our little bundle graduates college, I will get you to trust me, Cassandra Bennet.”

I gawked at him, trying to gauge if he was joking, but it was hard to tell. Despite the fact that I carried his child, I was still a little stunned to hear him imply being in my life long-term. Maybe I was still in shock that he hadn’t run the other way. Rather than respond because just maybe I would have burst into tears—I hated being so hormonal—I looked away from his steady stare.

Flustered, I stuttered. “Um… so… I-I can be ready in a bit. Although, now I don’t feel like going out. I’m tired all the time now. My energy level died around last month and I’ve yet to get it back.” Sighing, I sagged against the door. “I’m sorry.”

Amusement flashed in Damian’s eyes. “My condolences to your energy level. I guess that’s my fault,” he said, glancing at my stomach. “I’ll rub your feet or do whatever baby daddies are supposed to do.”

I shot him an annoyed look, but he just smiled, which turned my heart into a puddle. He was really sweet. Straightening, I stepped aside to allow him in. At least we could make light of our situation. That was somewhat comforting.

As soon as Damian came inside, he said, “It’s fine that you don’t want to go out. I was thinking about dinner at home anyway. My place. You can pack your things and—”

“Whoa. Slow down there, baby daddy. What do you mean pack my things?”

“So you can stay at my place while you’re in Brooklyn,” he stated firmly, as if he wasn’t up for discussion.