Rowan was warm and engaging with everyone they talked to, her beautiful smile on display constantly, her gorgeous body drawing attention wherever they went. Not that his irresistible lover noticed the lascivious stares of other men.

The only thing that kept Lysander from getting homicidal was how totally focused on him she remained.

Right now, they were in the buffet dining room. Not that they were eating here. He drew the line at communal eating from self-serve cafeteria style lines. No matter how high the star rating was for the food here.

It was late in the afternoon on their second day at sea and the large dining area was practically empty.

So, despite having a perfectly adequate study in which to work, Lysander's laptop was on the table in front of him while Rowan read on her tablet in a chair beside the window. She could have read on their balcony, but she wanted toenjoy the view from this deck, or so she said.

How much view she was enjoying with her eyes fixed on her eReader was up for interpretation.

An Asian family played Mahjong behind them, the click-clack of tiles interspersed with talking and the occasional sound of victory or groan of defeat.

A few tables away a woman worked on some kind of art project with little gems she painstakingly placed on the picture in front of her. She told every passersby and server who came within six feet of her table about it. Each one heard about how she planned to leave it there for them to finish at the end of the cruise, like she was doing them a favor.

She hadn't tried to talk to him, or Rowan. No doubt because of Klaus and the other three security specialists surrounding them.

Lysander wasn't distracted. He was too focused for that, but he was aware. He noticed everything because that kept him on top and moving forward.

Which was why it really pissed him off that he hadn't realized his father had been wooing a partner investor for his company. He'd discovered that reading a report from his corporate investigator this morning.

Lysander hadn't talked to Rowan about it yet, but he now understood why getting access to her stocks and the piece of real estate was so important to his father and half-brother.

A deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars was at stake.

"Seriously?" Rowan harrumphed.

Lysander looked at her over the top of his computer. Her gaze was on the woman doing the craft project.

"What is it,glikia mou?"

"That woman," Rowan hissed and shook her head. "She keeps talking about leaving her gem painting here for the staff to finish, like they have all the time in the world. Like they're on vacation just because she is."

"Why does this bother you?"

"I don't know." She blew out an annoyed breath. "It's just, she's so clueless. No fewer than three servers have tried to politely tell her they don't have time for stuff like that and she keeps overriding them like she knows their workday better than they do."

"And this annoys you?" Lysander asked.



Rowan sighed and looked off into the distance, like she was asking herself that same question.

"It reminds me of traveling with the Andinos," she said after a minute of silent reflection. "They're always so dismissive of anyone paid to serve them in any way."

"She thinks she's doing something nice."

"Right. I know. That makes it worse." Rowan's blue gaze met his, her lovely mouth turned down in a frown.

"Because she wants to be kind?"

"Because she's proud of herself for beingkindwhen in fact she's being extremely rude."

Lysander shrugged. "The world is full of oblivious people."

"You're right. And she's not being rude on purpose. Not like my ex and his family, who think they are above anyone not as wealthy as they are."