She was in danger of growing more than complacent; she was becoming attached. To Lysander. To his life. To the life they shared together.

~ ~ ~

Upon her return to the villa after work, Rowan was surprised to find Lysander home as well. He relaxed on the leather sectional in his inner sanctum, the television showing the stock markets somewhere, his tablet in his hand.

It was so like that first day she'd come here, she smiled. "You're back early."

He swiped and tapped something on his tablet and put it down. Looking up at her, his dark eyes heated. "And you are late."

"Couldn't be helped." Though if she'd known he was already here, she would have tried harder to leave on time.

He stood and put his hand out. "You are here now. Come."

"Are we having sex for dinner again?" she asked, tongue in cheek.

"Have I ever let you skip a meal?"

"No." He was kind of militant about making sure she got dinner, even if it was in bed after making love.

"Helen packed for you, but you'll want to check and make sure she got everything you'll need."

"Are we going somewhere?" It was Friday. So, they had the weekend. Or at least she did. Lysander almost always had to work at least part of the weekend.

It took a lot of effort to stay at the top of the tycoon food chain.

"We are going on a cruise."

Excitement made Rowan's blood bubble in her veins like champagne. "A weekend cruise?"

It wasn't Mexico, but it was a cruise. And he'd booked it for her. If she didn't watch out, she was going to fall head over heels for this man.

"We'll be spending ten days in the Mexican Riviera."

Rowan stopped walking, her heart thudding. She stared up at Lysander, certain she'd misheard him. "What did you say?"

"You want to go on a cruise in Mexico." His tone and expression said he was still confused as to why.

"Yes, so?"

"So, we are going. I've spoken to Ariston Spiridakou. He owns a cruise line and has provided accommodation on one of his luxury ships."

Rowan couldn't even fathom what level of opulence would cause a contemporary of Lysander to refer to the vessel as aluxuryship.

"No way are you taking ten days away from work."

Lysander shrugged. "I will work remotely for a couple of hours a day. I can take conference calls as necessary."

That sounded more like her workaholic lover, but still. "I can't just take off for vacation without making sure everything is covered at work."

"Taken care of."

"What do you mean?"

"I contacted your org's director. She okayed your absence."

"But we're in the middle of a fund-raising push."

"A couple of my people will be filling in for you."