"Okay, so we, I meanIsell the property to the land developer. I guess I have my lawyer approach them?"

"I will take care of it for you."

"Um, even if we were in a committed relationship, I wouldn't ask you to do that. I have a lawyer. She can take care of it."

"We agreed to exclusivity," he reminded her. "It doesn't get much more committed than that."

Giving him a teasing grin, Rowan said, "Your mom would disagree."

Despite her own life choices, or perhaps because of them, his mother would not be happy until he had bound himself legally to a woman. But that wasn't something Lysander had ever wanted to do.

It didn't make him shudder with distaste when she'd made her comments at dinner. Perhaps he was growing inured to the guilt trips.

"At the risk of sounding arrogant, I will get you a better deal than your lawyer," he said, getting back to the topic at hand.

Rowan's soft laugh affected him like it always did. Straight in his libido. But there was an odd tight feeling in his chest too. Had the food given him heartburn?

"I'm sure you can," she said with a smile. "And yes, you do sound arrogant, but it's part of your charm."

"I'll remind you that you said that the next time you aren't finding it quite so charming."

Her eyes lit with sweet humor. "You do that."

"Why do I get the feeling, you will conveniently forget this conversation?"

"Because you are a very smart man."

"Smart enough to negotiate a deal with the developer."

"Wow, you just are not going to let this go."

"I want what is best for you." In a way that would bother him if he let himself think about it. So, he didn't.

"Okay, if you really want to handle the sale, then by all means, do it."

"Tell me if Cyrus or Baptiste attempt to contact you, or threaten you in any way." He knew how vindictive both men could be, but Cyrus had a wide streak of petty as well.

"You're being bossy again."

"It's part of my charming arrogance."

"I might chalk it up to that if you charm me with another kiss."

He didn't need to be asked twice. Kissing this woman was addictive and he was greedy for another fix. Pulling her flush against his body, he let her feel what dancing with her did to him before pressing his mouth against hers.

Rowan's lips parted on a soft sigh, and he was damn tempted to ravage her mouth with his tongue. However, while he didn't care what they said about him, he did not want to give the tabloids a story to tell about her tomorrow.

Her sweet tongue came out to taste his lips and Lysander's reaction was primal and immediate. He broke the kiss and guided her from the dance floor with a firm hand at the small of her back.

"It is time to go home."

"You'll get no arguments from me," Rowan quipped.

But when they reached the table to collect her purse, Cyrus and Lysander's father were sitting in wait.

Lysander gave his father an impassive look. "Trying to poach my people?" he taunted.

"Trying to have a quiet word with my son."