Adele's gaze snapped back to Lysander, her expression one of disbelief.

Rowan's billionaire wasn't done though. "If I had wanted to be that petty in regard to my brother, it was taken care of the first time I had sex with you, wasn't it?"

Without waiting for Adele's reaction, Lysander swept Rowan back into movement and away from the frowning supermodel.

"What did you mean? Was Adele one of Cyrus's women?"

"They had an affair a few years ago. She broke it off with him when she learned about Delphine."

So, him being married hadn't bothered the other woman, but that he already had a mistress did? Typical. "And then she came after you?"

"Yes. Once I learned she had been in his bed, I told her she had to stay away from him if she wanted our arrangement to continue."

"It didn't bother you that she'd been with Cyrus first?"

"I didn't care what men she took to her bed, or how many. Ours was a transactional relationship. She got entrée into events like this and I got a companion that didn't expect anything beyond it."

That made Adele sound more like an escort than a girlfriend. Nothing against escorts, but if he had hired someone to attend functions with him, word would have gotten out and the press would have had a field day.

Just like they were bound to do with her moving into his house. His half-brother's ex-wife.

"Wow. I thought my sex-with-you-to-get-rid-of-Cyrus plot was such an outlandish idea and now I find out I'm the second one to think of it."

"Adele wanted revenge. Full stop. You wanted to give your ex a message that could not be misinterpreted."

Whatever their motives, clearly both she and the supermodel had desired Lysander. Still did from what Rowan could see. Adele had been willing to stay away from Cyrus to keep her no-strings access to his half-brother.

Whereas, Rowan had moved into his home against her own better judgment. But Lysander had made a commitment to her, even if it was temporary.

And he hadn't hesitated to reject Adele's overtures now.

Lysander pulled her just a little bit closer to his hard body, like he couldn't help himself. "I looked into your prenup."

That was not what she expected him to say, so it took Rowan a moment to respond. "Oh?"

She'd given him a copy the day after she moved into his house, but he hadn't brought it up again. She'd assumed Lysander hadn't had time to read it. He was a busy man, working long hours to increase his billions, after all.

"Find anything interesting?"

"I put my team onto researching property purchases and tax shelters created in your name during your marriage. Not only did you get ten percent of Cyrus's company in the divorce, but you retained ownership of a plot of land that wasn't worth much when he bought it."

"You mean he intended it to be a loss to write off?" she asked.


"But?" She knew there was abutor Lysander would not have brought it up.

"He has gone into business with a development company. They need ownership of that parcel of land for the development to go ahead."

"Why?" she wondered out loud.

"There are utility accesses they cannot get with the land they purchased that is adjacent to it."

"Wouldn't it be cheaper to bribe officials?" She knew Cyrus had done exactly that in the past.

"It is not merely a matter of permits, but accessibility."

"What do you mean?"