The sincerity of the desire was there in her eyes, though it was not accompanied by the censure her words might have indicated.

So, although Iona did not see her son as perfect, that did not bother her. Not like Rowan's parents.

Speaking of Rowan's parents. What were they doing coming toward Lysander's table when the main course hadn't even been cleared?

It wasn't at all appropriate and could easily cause the kind of scene they both abhorred.

"Rowan, dear, I think there must be some misunderstanding. You were meant to sit at our table." Her mother's opening salvo was only surprising in its timing, not its content.

"I received no invitation," Rowan said calmly. "And as you can see, I am here with Lysander."

Her mother's mouth pursed like she'd just bitten into a lemon, her expression as sour as the fruit too. "I cannot imagine why, but it would be better if you joined us. You sitting here is causing all sorts of speculation."

"Is it?" Rowan asked. "If people are guessing that Lysander and I are a couple, they are right."

"Nonsense. You are married to Cyrus," her father said in a crushing undertone.

Rowan wasn't crushed. In fact, unlike most times when her parents joined forces to castigate her, she didn't feel small at all. She was proud to be here with Lysander and positively wallowed in the joy of being his lover.

"I am not married to Cyrus. Our divorce finalized over a month ago. I have not lived with him in over a year."

"Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, it would be best if you returned to your seats. You are causing far more gossip than your daughter is by being with me."

"Like hell we are. Everyone is talking about it," her father said more loudly than he probably meant to.

"Good," Rowan said firmly. "My marriage to Cyrus is over and the sooner you all come to terms with that, the better."

"Are youtryingto humiliate the man you said vows to?" her mother asked with freezing censure.

"He negated those vows very early in our marriage if I had but known it. Again,we are divorced," Rowan emphasized.

"And furthermore…" she let her own voice rise just enough that the tables around could hear her if they were listening, as she could tell many were.

Her parents really hadn't thought this through.

"There is nothing humiliating to Cyrus in his ex-wife dating his brother. He's lucky to be related to a man as amazing as Lysander and I'm sure he knows it." Even if her ex was too proud to ever admit it out loud. "The key word there isexand who I date has absolutely nothing to do with Cyrus, or you two for that matter. No more than who I choose to live with."

"Live with?" her mother practically shrieked.

Ooops. She hadn't meant to let that particular cat out of the bag at tonight's gala.

That's what came from waiting so long to stand up to her parents. Her primary way of dealing with them since becoming an adult had been to avoid them as much as possible and not do anything to draw their attention and inevitable criticism.

That strategy had been blown out of the water when she filed for divorce, but even then, she'd never come right out and said that they had no say in her life.

"Yes, live with," Lysander said, twining his fingers through Rowan's and then setting their joined hands on the table in full display.

After letting his action sink in for a count of two, he looked off to his left and nodded. Seconds later, servers appeared to usher her parents back to their table. Klaus also stood a couple of feet away, clearly ready to step in if necessary.

Rowan felt badly for the embarrassment both her parents had to be feeling in that moment, but she also acknowledged that they'd brought it on themselves. Trying to spirit her away from Lysander's table in the middle of dinner? Ridiculous.

And not something she would ever have guessed they would do. She'd expected a frontal assault like this, but after dessert when many guests would get up and move around.

"You moved in with my son?" Iona asked, her lovely eyes the same warm brown as Lysander's wide with shock. "I did not realize you two had been dating that long."

"She has a bookcase in my inner sanctum," Lysander said by way of an answer, sidestepping the length of their dating relationship entirely.

If possible, Iona's eyes grew wider. "You installed furniture for her?"