"Lysander has already found me a buyer."
"You heartless bitch!"
Lysander grabbed Cyrus, jerked him backward and then punched him so hard he made a dent in the wall when he hit it. "Apologize."
Cyrus told Lysander where to get off. It lost a lot of its impact because his tone was so nasally from his now broken nose.
Lysander yanked his half-brother up by his shirt and this time sent his fist straight into his solar plexus.
He dropped the now groaning and gasping man to the floor and put his hand out to Rowan. "We have an appointment with the lawyer to sign the prenup."
The prenuptial agreement wasn't anything like the one Rowan had signed with Cyrus.
There were no monetary incentives for longevity as she'd asked, but it spelled out quite clearly that what was Lysander's would now be hers. That if she filed for divorce, for any reason, she would get half of Lysander Baros's assets.
"I can't sign this."
"Why not,agape mou?"
"You're not giving me half of your wealth."
"No, I am not."
She breathed a sigh of relief, but then she frowned. "Was this some kind of test?"
"Not at all. Sign the document, Rowan."
"No. You just said—"
"You will never be divorcing me, nor will I ever end our marriage. The point is moot."
She wanted to believe that, but life had a way of taking unexpected turns. "It's not moot if it's in the contract."
"We can skip the prenup all together if you like."
"Not on your life." She wanted the promise of no more than 50-hour workweeks they'd agreed on, and four vacations per year, in writing. Signed by him.
"Then you agree to take half of my fortune if you ever leave me."
"I know what you are doing."
"What is that?"
"You know I'll never allow you to hand over half of your wealth and possessions."
"There is no handing over. What is mine is yours already. Nothing I have built would matter if you stopped loving me and walked away."
Tears burned her eyes. "Iona told me that under all that scary tycoon armor, beat a romantic's heart. I didn't believe her."
"It is not a matter of romance, but of truth."
"If you say so." She grabbed the contract and signed it. "You're stuck now, Sander. You're never getting rid of me."
The satisfaction that settled over his gorgeous features made her breathless. And wet.
His grin said he knew it too. "Are you ready to go home?"