His knowing expression said he was aware of exactly what she was thinking about.

But then he shook his head. "Later."

She sighed, but nodded.

"Instead of sending you away, or going to my New York office, I decided to use the need to get out of Athens to give you something you wanted."

"The cruise was amazing." Even with his hot-cold treatment and the stalker supermodel showing up as well as her ex-husband.

"I am glad you found it so. We can take another one in the future, if that is what you want." The words were so obviously forced, Rowan had to stifle an urge to smile.

"Once was enough. Thank you."

Relief washed over his handsome features. "If you are sure."

"I am."

"You need to understand that I’ve never put anything or anyone ahead of my business. Not even my mother. When I didn’t even consider sending you away, much less going to my New York office, alarm bells went off. I ignored them. Just like I ignored my business to resolve the issue with those bastards as quickly as possible, so you were no longer at risk. The more I felt for you, the more I fought those feelings."

He'd been fighting himself, not her, which had led to his hot-cold treatment.

"That explains a lot. Is that why you threw yourself so intensely into work when we got back to Athens?"


"It hurt, but I understand."

"I never wanted to hurt you."

She believed him, but that didn't change the outcome. "I think when you love someone, they have the power to hurt you in ways you would never expect."

"Don't say it."

"What?" But she knew. Or thought she did.

"Let me say it first. I love you, Rowan. Your soul is entwined with mine and I will never let you go. I can't. To lose you would be to lose the other half of myself."

"That sounds like a lifetime commitment." Marriage.

"I'm not looking for a lifetime together."

"You're not?" she asked, her heart squeezing painfully.

"I want eternity."

Wow. Okay. Trust Mr. Billionaire Greek Tycoon to be an over achiever when it came to love too.

He reached for something on his bedside table and then put his hand out, offering it.

A ring with a huge yellow diamond surrounded by a cluster of marquis-cut smaller stones sat in the center of his big palm. "Will you marry me, Rowan?"

She couldn't get any words out; she was trying too hard not to cry. He hadn't bought that ring on the way home from the airport. This wasn't a spur of the moment thing.

"How long have you had that?" she asked, emotion clogging her voice.

"Since the day after you moved in."

She pushed herself up to look at him in shock. "You knew you wanted forever then?"