Even though Lysander was in Tokyo and Rowan was in Athens, things were more like they'd been right after she moved into his villa.

They texted each other throughout the day. Even the six-hour time difference didn't stop him replying immediately to her messages, so she did her best not to send any after ten at night in Tokyo.

He video-called her every day at lunch to talk and every night at bedtime for other things. Which meant he was waking up at four a.m. to do it. Sometimes, he told her how to touch herself. Sometimes, she told him what she wanted to do to him, what she wanted him to do to her.

She always came and so did he. Rowan fell asleep afterward feeling wanted and cherished.

On Thursday, she went to her director and asked if she could work remotely the following week. Since she was working pretty much fulltime on the fundraiser, she didn't need to be in the office for her usual appointment sessions with the women her organization served.

The time difference wasn't insurmountable for her to make the phone calls she needed to, and any in-person meetings could be scheduled for the following week. She really could not have been gone the past few days, but she'd worked hard to make working remotely possible for the remainder of Lysander's time in Japan.

After some discussion and making sure her bases were covered, Rowan's director agreed. Then, she called Lysander's personal assistant and let the woman know of her plans to fly to Japan on Friday's redeye. Sounding relieved, the woman insisted on upgrading Rowan to first class and promised to arrange her return with Lysander on the company jet.

"I would have booked first-class if there had been any seats available, but there aren't," Rowan told her.

No, she wasn't a billionaire, or even a multi-millionaire like her ex-husband, but the divorce settlement was still sitting in her bank account, and she was prepared to use it to get herself to Lysander.

The PA harrumphed. "We'll see about that."

"Thank you for trying." She wasn't convinced anything could be done, but if anyone could get Rowan a first-class seat to Japan, it would be Lysander's terrifyingly efficient personal assistant.

"I'm very glad you will be joining him, Miz Johnson. He is so much happier when he gets to see you."

"Are you saying Lysander has been cranky this past week?" she asked, a little surprised. He was always warm and charming, not to mention dead sexy, on their phone calls.

"He is very much like his old self," the personal assistant said neutrally.

"Old as in before what?" Rowan pushed.

"Before you moved into the villa."

Rowan shouldn't be surprised her coming into his life had impacted Lysander. Moving in with him had changed her. A lot. She woke looking forward to every day. Even bad days were better because she got to see him.

Still, knowing he was differentdidsurprise her. It also gave her hope.

She loved him. Could the change in him mean that he loved her too? Even if he did, would he ever allow himself to admit it?

Vulnerability was not her billionaire boyfriend's strong suit.

Rowan was making notes on a list of potential donors when her mother called and invited her to lunch. Her first instinct was to refuse. She didn't want to miss her video call with Lysander.

But then Vanessa Johnson pulled out the guilt card. "I have barely seen you this trip."

Before Rowan left Cyrus, when her parents had come to Athens, she had lunch with her mother a couple of times a week, at least. And since they had travelled in the same circles, Rowan had seen her parents at all of the social events.

Rowan had only been in Greece at the same time as her parents twice in the last year. The first time, she'd been learning to navigate her new life and thought she'd successfully found a compromise with them by attending a few social functions.

However, she and her mother had only had lunch together once the last visit and none at all this time.

"We're flying home soon. I wanted to see you before we do. Is lunch too much to ask?"

"No, of course not." She didn't particularly miss seeing either of them, but apparently her mother felt differently. "I'll warn you now that if you bring up Cyrus even once, I'm getting up and leaving."

"Really, Rowan, I didn't raise you to be so acrimonious."

"I mean it, Mom."

"Very well, no discussion of your husband. Can we make it an early lunch?"