Leaning forward, she nuzzled into the skin between his hip and his torso. Taking a deep inhalation of his masculine scent, Rowan exulted in her right to this intimacy no other woman was allowed.

For now.

Ignoring the sting of that reminder, she took in the hint of the sandalwood soap he used in the shower mixed with the distinctly intimate fragrance of his skin here. This amazing god of a man was hers.

However temporarily. Right now? His body was her playground. And she meant to play to her heart's content.

She bit gently on his inner thigh and then laved the spot with her tongue. He groaned and she smiled to herself before turning her head to do the same to his other leg. She was oh so careful not to touch his balls or his hard shaft.

His big hands gripped her on either side of her head. "What you do to me,yineka mou."

His woman. Oh, she liked when he called her that. Way too much.

Until one of them said otherwise, she was his. Just like he was hers.

Mouthing along his skin she traveled down his rock hard thigh toward his knee before making the reverse journey up his other leg. She stopped with her mouth pressed against his groin and kissed him there.

With a sound of sexual frustration and desire, his hips canted upward.

She loved teasing him, pushing him to the limit of his vaunted self-control. Loved even more when she managed to shove him right over into pure animal lust.

Right now, she didn't want him taking over though, so she slid her lips toward his sex. Dipping her head so she could lick delicately at his scrotum, she rubbed her cheek against his erection.

~ ~ ~

Of their own volition, Lysander's fingers tunneled through Rowan's silky hair. He was not at all disappointed when the tie that held it on top of her head in a messy bun was dislodged.

Her hair fell around her face and shoulders in a silky red curtain, brushing over his thighs like a mass of butterfly wings. The soft skin of her cheek brushed against his fully erect cock while she licked at his aching balls.

It all felt so damn good, but he wanted more.

Why had he rejected her sexual overture earlier? There had been nothing in his inbox so damn important it could not wait.

When he realized he was hiding from her and the way she made him feel, he'd told himself to man up and go claim his woman.

Only now, she was claiming him.

Sensually. Perfectly. Irrevocably.

Ignoring the implication of that last thought, he directed her head up so her mouth was right there. Warm air puffed over the head of his dick, her lips only millimeters away.

Heavy lidded, her beautiful blue eyes teased him with sensual promise. "Do you want something?"

"Your mouth on me," he said in a guttural voice.

This woman drove him to the brink of his restraint. She licked up and down his turgid pole, kissing the head with an open mouth, but not taking him inside her wet heat.

"What are you doing to me?" he demanded.

In answer, she grasped him in her wet hand and pulled along his length. It wasn't enough.

"I want your mouth."

"Then take it." She opened her lips wide, but left her mouth poised at the end of his cock, her gaze challenging him.

His grip on her head tightened and he pulled her face forward, lust riding him, but he watched for any sign this wasn't what she wanted. She gave none, flicking her tongue out to lick the pearls of precum gathering on the end of his dick.

Pushing forward, he tugged her onto his cock and she hummed with approval, but she didn't move her head. What did she want?