"I have it memorized, and your name is not on it."

"Oh, do you have an eidetic memory? Only isn't being a gate guard an odd choice of careers for someone with that kind of skill?" she asked herself more than him.

Rowan always wanted to understand the why of people. It was hardwired into her. At least that's how it felt to her.

"I'm a security specialist, and no I don't have a photographic memory. Mr. Baros's list of approved guests is short."

"Oh. That's not surprising, I guess. I can't help noticing your gun is still pointed at me." And it was making her nervous. Well, strictly speaking, she'd gotten a full dose of scared and worried the second the gun came out.

There was no making about it.

"I haven't yet ascertained if you are a threat."

"Look, how about you call Lysander and tell him Rowan Johnson nee Andino is at the gate?"

"I cannot do that."

"Why not? Did you drop your cell phone too?" she asked sarcastically, but inside she was shaking a little. Her phone was only a few feet away, but she wasn't about to move toward it while he had his gun out.

What kind of security was trained to threaten violence without the least provocation? Rowan wasn't feeling sexy anymore. She was angry and scared, and that only made her angrier.

"Policy is not to bother Mr. Baros with anyone showing up who does not have an appointment."

"Okay, fine. Put your gun away and I will get my cell phone and call him."

"Show me the inside of your purse first," the man instructed.

It was a rude request, and surely unnecessary, but Rowan wanted that gun put away more than she wanted to argue about the invasion of her privacy.

So, she opened her small clutch and turned it so he could see the inside. "There. No weapons of any kind. I don't even carry a nail file with me. Satisfied?"

He nodded and holstered his gun.

Rowan surged forward to grab her phone, forgetting she was wearing heels rather than her usual more sensible foot attire and promptly twisted her ankle, falling forward to land heavily on her knees. She cried out and then gasped as sharp pricks of pain from her skinned knees and a resounding throb in her ankle assailed her.

Shoot. This was the worst plan ever. What had she been thinking?

Seduce Mr. Sexy himself and make sure Cyrus heard about it so he would stop hounding her about reconciling? She wanted to get her dad and brothers off her back as well. They were business partners with her ex and apparently the divorce had made things uncomfortable for them.

Like that was all that mattered. But considering the fact they'd all known Cyrus slept around during her marriage and had never told her, there could be no question where their loyalty lay.

Anyway, this plan was definitely a bust. Climbing to her feet without flashing her panties was the kind of struggle she'd never thought to face and told her why she never dressed in this kind of clothing. She was far too clutzy for femme fatale gear.

Taking a step, she nearly fell again from the pain. No way could she walk another step in these heels, much less back to her car. Leaning against the wall, she removed first one sandal and then the other. Then she limped to her phone, her ire getting worse with every painful step.

When she reached the phone, she was faced with another dilemma. How did she bend down to get it without her skirt riding up indecently? If she tried to squat, she'd be equally exposed but in a different area of her anatomy.

Finally, she managed a combination squat-bend and got the phone.

She unlocked it and called Lysander.

"Hello, Rowan, what an unexpected pleasure," he said in his smooth, deep voice answering after the second ring.

"So, you have my number in your phone, but my name isn't on your list. I can't believe I thought having sex with you was a good idea. You have your guards trained to pull guns on people just for trying to use their phones? What kind of man is that paranoid?"

"What are you saying? You aren't making sense."

"You're right. My idea was completely nonsensical but I don't think I needed to pay for that with skinned knees, a twisted ankle and having a gun drawn on me."