And later, after Bella’s gone on a walkabout to explore the rest of her new territory—skunks are nocturnal, after all—Christian and I get ready for bed together. He starts toward the guest room, but I take his hand and lead him to the master. Without a word, we get under the covers together and he holds me.
Just holds me.
And I realize that there’s something even more dangerous than amazing sex with the hottest man I’ve ever met.
There’s support and kindness and gentle caring that feels so much like love I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep things casual.
Lying there with Chris, matching my breath to his, trying to memorize his smell and the feel of his arm around me, I have no idea how quickly and drastically our lives are about to change.
Or how soon I’ll wish for “casual” with every fiber of my being.
Chapter Eighteen
From the texts of Christian McGuire
and Matty McGuire
11:15 p.m. Monday Night
MATTY: Christian? Are you up? Chris? I need you to get back to me right away. We have a problem. A very SERIOUS problem. Call me. Now.
Five minutes later…
MATTY: Christian! Dude. Now is not the time to stop answering your texts. Please, call me as soon as you get this. I’m not kidding. I need to talk to you ASAP.
Three minutes later…
VOICEMAIL MESSAGE FROM MATTY MCGUIRE: Christian, pick up. Pick up, man. Fuck. This isn’t the kind of thing I want to leave in a voicemail. *indistinct muttering* *soft cursing* We have a serious situation on our hands, Chris, and by “we,” I mean you.
It’s bad, Chris.
Really bad.
It’s too late to put the genie back in the bottle, but we can at least get ready to run damage control when the shit hits the fan tomorrow. Mom’s going to lose it. Barrett, too. Fuck, he’s really going to lose it. He’s so protective of Starling. We might have to put you in the witness protection program or something until the worst blows over.
*more indistinct muttering*
*more soft cursing*
Please, Chris, call me.
And if you already know what’s happened…don’t do anything crazy.
Yes, the situation sucks, it sucks hard, but you’re not the first person to have something like this happen and sadly, you won’t be the last. Lashing out at those responsible or any other act of violence or revenge isn’t the answer. We should let the authorities handle this.
Not saying the jerk doesn’t deserve to have his liver yanked out through his nostrils or whatever, but I have zero interest in visiting you in prison. The food sucks and even you won’t look good under that much fluorescent lighting.
*heavy sigh*
Okay. Call me when you get this.
Please. I want to be there for you, brother. I’m so sorry.
Ten minutes later…
CHRISTIAN: Jesus Christ, Matty, what’s wrong? I just finished listening to your voicemail! Did someone die? Did I die, and I just haven’t realized it yet?