He breaks off with a guttural sound of his own that makes me inexplicably happy. I love knowing that I’ve reduced him to this sexy, sweaty beast who stiffens on top of me, whispering, “So good, so fucking good,” into my hair as he loses himself.
I’m so happy, so pleased with my fantastic first time, and enjoying the weight of Christian heavy on top of me so much that it takes me a moment to notice the…damp sensation near my thigh.
The damp, rough sensation, followed by the brush of coarse fur by my ankle.
When I do notice, however, I do what any reasonable woman would.
I pull in a breath and scream my head off directly into Christian’s face for the second time in as many days.
Chapter Twelve
“What’s wrong? What is it this time?” I rear back so fast I nearly forget about the condom. At the last minute, I reach down and grab the bottom, holding it on my cock as I pull out of Starling’s delicious—and very distressed—body.
“Down there! Down! Under the sheet!” She scrambles backward on the bed, pulling her knees to her chest. “Something licked me. I think it’s a rat!”
“A rat?” I lift the cover to reveal none other than Stinkerbelle McGuire, first of her name, grinning up at us. I exhale, not particularly pleased to have an intruder, but grateful it’s an animal that’s had all her shots and means us no harm. “It’s just Bella. We’re okay.”
Starling lets out a breathy laugh and grabs the pillow behind her, bringing it around to hug it to her chest. “Oh my God, she scared the crap out of me. Again. You have to stop doing that, Bella.”
“Sorry,” I say, my own racing heart slowing now that the screaming is over. “She must have gotten out of her crate somehow. But I know I locked it. I checked twice before I left her in the office. I just didn’t feel right leaving her home alone again after I’d been gone all day.”
“She’s an escape artist,” Starling says. I pull back the sheet so Bella can sit up at the end of the bed and move to sit beside Starling by the headboard. “Aren’t you, Bella?” she continues. “Chris is going to have to keep a close eye on you. And invest in some skunk-proof locks.”
“And never take my socks off again,” I say as Bella begins to lick my toes with an intensity that’s a little disturbing. “Thanks, but no thanks, buddy,” I add, tucking one foot beneath me as I bring the other to the floor beside the bed.
Bella chirps in disappointment before shifting her attention to Starling’s foot. She sniffs Starling’s toes but sits back on her haunches without another show of her little pink tongue.
“Well, thanks a lot, missy,” Starling says with a laugh. “Guess my toes aren’t as tasty as yours, Mr. McGuire.”
“Few toes are.” I laugh as Bella waddles closer to my thigh, coming for me again with passionate licks. “Enough, Bella.” I gather her under her front legs and pull her to my chest, where she instantly starts to lick my neck, making Starling laugh harder. “Yuck, Bella. Stop.”
“Can’t stop, won’t stop,” Starling says as Bella continues to lick my neck like it’s a three-course meal and she hasn’t had a bite in weeks. “Same, girl. I also enjoy licking your daddy, though I plan to steer clear of his toes.”
I cut a heated glance her way. “Yeah? What if I have a foot fetish, milady? I thought you wanted to make all my stable boy dreams come true.”
Her cheeks flush pink, but she doesn’t miss a beat before she shoots back, “You were my man servant, not my stable boy, but yes, I do want to make your dreams come true. Even if they’re gross, foot-related dreams. Let’s just work that in after you’ve had a shower to wash off the Ren Faire sweat and skunk spit.”
Bella chirps and turns to look at Starling.
“I think she just asked me what was wrong with skunk spit,” Starling says.
“I think she just said she loves Ren Faire sweat,” I counter, making Starling laugh, a sound I’m growing to love nearly as much as the sounds she makes when she comes.
“How are you feeling?” I ask, arching a brow.
She shifts her gaze from Bella’s face to mine, her smile fading even as her eyes fill with a warm, happy light I’m proud as hell to have put there. “I’m feeling good. Really, really good. It didn’t hurt at all.”
“Were you worried that it would?” I ask. “You should have told me. I would have made sure to take things even slower, check in with you more.”
She shakes her head. “No way. I liked it just the way it was. With you as my awestruck and worshipful serving boy.” She sighs and reaches out to squeeze my thigh. “That was so much fun, Christian. Fun and easy and…perfect. We should do it again really soon.”
“I’m free now,” I say, bending my head closer to hers, but she pulls back with a laugh.
“Nope.” She presses a finger to my lips. “We’re out of character. No kissing out of character, no sex in the house. Those are the rules.” She turns her attention to Bella, adding in a sweeter tone, “And no banging in front of the baby. She might get scared.”