Theia bit down on her lip and turned to me.
“Would you care for something sweet too?”
Why would I want something sweet when I have you?
Where the fuck did that come from? I was pretty sure my brain was playing tricks on me right now. I shoved all my weird fucking thoughts away and concentrated on answering her question.
“You can choose something for me.”
Theia clapped her hands together and moved over to the till to order for us. I watched her talk animatedly with the woman behind the counter before she paid and came back over to me.
“Let’s sit.”
She moved through the tables to the back. There was a free table with a comfortable-looking sofa. She patted the seat next to her when I reached her. I sat down, placing my hands on my lap as I did so.
What the hell are you doing here, Gil?
I couldn’t remember the last time I’d ever gone out to coffee with anyone. In fact, I don’t think I ever had. My life had been filled with the mafia and my family, not going on coffee dates with women. Not that this was a date. Definitely not. We were friends. Did friends do this type of thing together? And if we were friends, why the fuck was I staring at her hand resting on the sofa next to her thigh and wishing she would stroke mine with her fingers again?
“You’re thinking awfully hard over there.”
My eyes darted up to Theia’s face. There was this soft smile there that made me swallow. There were far too many alien feelings twisting up my insides. We were outside the safety of Desecration where there were rules to our meetings. Ones Theia and I had thrown out the window the last time we saw each other when she held my hand.
“Why are you okay with seeing me outside of the club?”
She sat back against the cushions and dragged her teeth across her bottom lip.
“We’re still on that? Okay… the honest truth is, I feel safe with you.” She rubbed her chest with her fingers. “My past is pretty fucked up, so finding safety in another person is a big deal to me. You see me for me, not Pisces, but Theia.” Her eyes darted away. “Being vulnerable with someone is difficult, but I want to be… with you.” Her chin dropped to her chest. “I guess what I’m trying to say is I would like to be your friend for real, not because there’s a transaction between us. And I’m hoping this isn’t scaring the shit out of you right now, because admitting it is scaring the hell out of me.”
I didn’t get a chance to answer right away as the waitress brought over our drinks and cakes, placing them on the table for us. Theia’s cheeks had gone pink, and she steadfastly avoided my gaze. The moment the woman left, she picked up her coffee and hid her face behind it.
“I’m not scared, Theia.”
“You’re not?” she whispered.
“No.”At least, I’m not scared of you wanting to be my friend. The other stuff I’m feeling, yeah, I’m fucking terrified of that.“I thought I only needed someone to talk to, but I think I actually need a friend.”
“Do you not have any friends?”
I shrugged.
“I have one. He forced me into being his friend, though.”
Theia snorted and placed her mug back down.
“Forced you?”
I rubbed my thigh.
“If you met Edric, you’d understand. He’s the opposite of me. Brash and in your face, but he’s also smart and incredibly loyal.” I couldn’t fight the smile forming on my lips. “He’s annoying, but I don’t know where I’d be without him.”
She leaned closer.
“So I’d be your second friend?”
“I guess so.”
“Well, I’m honoured.”