Page 43 of Titan

“You’re going on a date? That’s a first.”

“It’s not a date! I’m only going to hang out with him, that’s all. Anyway, aren’t you finished for the night? I assume you’re done with Gil.”

Technically I was. I needed to go change and find out where Gael had got to. He’d agreed to walk home with me as he was finishing around the same time. I wasn’t taking any chances now I’d had those fucking notes.

“Yes, but I need you to do something first.”

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

“What do you want this time?”

“Can you text Gil and tell him Enzo knows he’s visiting me?”

Remi’s eyebrows shot up.

“Enzo knows? Oh well, you two are fucked then.”

“He swears he won’t talk, but that’s not the point. Gil should be aware his brother knows in case he wants to do something about it.”

Remi gave me a look. I was asking a lot of her with all of this shit between me and Gil, but I had little choice in the matter.

“You can ask me for his number and tell him yourself. Would be far fucking easier if the two of you communicated with each other yourselves.”

“What? No. I can’t do that.”

“And why not?”

I looked away, rubbing my arm with one of my hands. It wouldn’t be right. He hadn’t agreed to it. There was no way I would go behind his back to get information on him. It was a total invasion of privacy.

“He’s a client.”

“He’s not a client to you, Theia. Don’t forget, I know how you feel about him.”

“It’s still not okay. If he wants to give me his number, he can do it himself.”

She shrugged and dug her hand into her pocket.

“Fine. Suit yourself. I’ll let him know, but I suggest you work out what the fuck is going on between the two of you, because I’m telling you right now, this is going to end badly if you don’t.”

I didn’t ask why or what she meant by it. I already knew I was going to end up broken. My feelings were engaged. There was no turning them off now. I was the stupid one for having them. For wanting a man I couldn’t have.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I walked towards the staff room, trying not to feel despondent. Seeing Gil had given me such a high. Now I was crashing back down to earth with Remi’s words. Why the fuck had I told her about my feelings for Gil?

“Hey, girl, you ready?” came Gael’s voice the moment I got into the staff room. He poked his head around the corner and frowned. “Oh, guess you need to get changed.”

“Give me two minutes.”

I made a beeline for my locker, opened it, and tugged out my clothes. Considering Gael and I had been intimate, I didn’t care about him being there while I changed. I was ready to be home at this point. It had been quite the night.

We linked arms together as we left via the front door after I’d changed, and we’d made our way through the club.

“So, how was your evening?” he asked, raising an auburn eyebrow.

I was about to answer when I stopped dead in the street. Leaning against the wall outside was Gil. He pushed off it when he spied me.