Page 20 of Titan

“Find out his name, then get rid of him. I don’t care how, just get the body as far away from us as possible. You two will deal with this personally. This stays between the three of us. No one else gets involved. Is that understood?”

Sal’s expression didn’t change.

“Yes, boss.”

I glanced at Edric, who gave me a nod. If my cousin found out one of his men had been dumped at my headquarters, there would be hell to pay. Given Dino was already pissed at me and Zayn, there was no way I wanted to bring another shitstorm from him down on us either.

“Good. Get it done.”

I turned and walked away. Edric caught up with me as I strode towards the security room.


“What? And make it quick. You have a body to deal with.”

“This isn’t good.”

“I know that.”

I shoved open the door to the security room and turfed out the man inside. Taking a seat at the desk, I set about bringing up the footage from last night.

“Close the fucking door, Edric,” I barked when I noticed he was standing in the doorway.

I heard him close it and come closer.

“What happened when you saw Dino and Gian?”

I hadn’t told him about the dinner. I’d come in the next day, gathered everyone together and calmly told my men if they were to step out of line, I’d put a bullet in their heads personally. They all knew about Matteo by now, so it didn’t come as a surprise when none of them pressed the subject. I didn’t have time for dissent amongst the ranks.

“They aren’t happy Zayn made me boss, so I told them they were sad old men playing a young man’s game and walked out.”

Edric snorted.

“You actually said that to them?”


He burst out laughing and slapped the desk.

“I wish I could have seen their faces. I bet they were raging.”


I hadn’t stopped to look, knowing they would have been seriously unimpressed by my words. I’d been too busy freaking out over the whole thing. Edric didn’t need to know I felt incapable of doing this. No one except Theia could know.

“Do you think he has anything to do with this? Dino, I mean,” Edric asked after he’d settled down.

They wouldn’t kill one of their own and dump them here to start trouble. Dino was more fucking sensible than that. At least, I hoped he was.

“I don’t know. The only thing I do know is this is a problem we need to stay far away from. Go help Sal, Edric. We’ll talk after.”

He remained where he was for a moment as I searched through the security footage from outside.

“Are you sure you don’t care where we take the body?”

“I need it not to be linked back to us, okay? We had nothing to do with it, and I don’t want this to set off a war between me and Dino.”

“Okay. I’ll deal with it.”