I stepped toward Gian and Dino, who were completely dumbfounded by what was happening.
“Gentlemen, I believe our business is concluded. I suggest you take a long hard fucking look at yourselves, what it means to becapoand decide whether you’re really qualified for such a role. I’ll be waiting when you’re ready to acknowledge who is the better leader here.”
I gestured to Salvatore, who was nearby. He came over with several of the men.
“Please see my cousins and their men out. They’ve overstayed their welcome.”
Salvatore gave me a slight nod before gesturing to my cousins. Dino glared, and Gian looked at his son like he was at a loss for words. It served them right for being useless pricks.
My cousins and their men followed Salvatore out. I waved at Edric and Nino, who followed me back upstairs to my office. I dug my hands in my pockets and stared out of the window at my warehouse. It made me smile as my thoughts drifted to when I had Theia up against it, begging for me. I almost couldn’t wait to see her later. I was due to pick her up from work. She’d not wanted to go back to her flat yet. I’d told her she was welcome to stay with me as long as she wanted.
“Well, that was quite the show,” Edric said, eyeing my cousin.
“Mmm. It was. Nino, this is Edric, my second-in-command.” I waved at Edric. “Edric, go get Sal.”
He merely gave me a look but retreated from the room. I turned to Nino. He had a pensive expression on his face as if he was wondering what I would say next.
“I know you were training under your father.”
“Yeah, but I can’t say he was the best teacher.”
Gian was more interested in boasting about himself and his children than actually giving them usable life skills.
“Even so, I have a vacant position I’d like you to fill. How would you like to be mycapodecina?”
Nino’s eyes widened.
“Yes, unless you don’t think you can lead the men.”
He waved his hands.
“No, no, I can. I promise.”
“Then consider it done.”
The men Salvatore had suggested to me weren’t suitable. I didn’t trust them enough, but my cousin, he was worthy of it. Besides, he was family, and having another Villetti by my side felt right.
“Thank you. I won’t let you down.”
I smiled at him as Edric returned with Salvatore. I introduced them, leaving Nino in his capable hands to meet the men and get settled in. They left Edric and me alone in the office.
“Well, who’d have thought your cousin would tell his dad to go fuck himself. Man, your cousins’ faces were a picture.”
I shrugged.
“They’re incompetent.”
“Do you think they’ll cause you more trouble?”
I shook my head.
“Doubt it. And if they do, I’ll pull a Gennaro and take over theirfamiglias.”
He blinked behind his glasses.
“You serious? I thought you didn’t want to be dear old dad.”