“And miss out on seeing my favourite business associate, I think not,” came a voice that sent a fucking chill down my spine.
The moment she came into view, I clenched my fists at my sides. This was the very last person I expected Devlin to be having a meeting with.
What the actual fuck?
Beside me, Theia stiffened. She was pressed against my side. I hadn’t noticed when she’d moved closer.
“Besides, this will be the last one. We’ll be out of your hair very soon.”
Devlin gave her a bright smile.
“Long as I get paid, I don’t give a shit.” He waved a hand at the crates behind him. “They’re all safe, as agreed. No one suspects anything.”
She came closer, her blonde bob severe as usual, and patted him on the shoulder.
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that if I were you. I suggest doubling your security. I’ll pay, of course. Can’t be too careful now my husband’s cousin is sniffing around.”
Devlin’s eyes narrowed.
“Which one?”
“Oh, don’t worry, he’s a problem I intend to fix.”
He crossed his arms over his chest.
“Which cousin?”
“Gil Villetti.”
Devlin tipped his head to the side.
“You mean to tell me I have the new mafia boss on my tail? Shit, Pippa, you could have told me.” He slapped a hand on his chest. “I already answer to his fucking brother. I thought this was just about getting leverage over your husband, saving the day and all that shit, not pissing off the most powerful men in the city.”
She didn’t smile. In fact, she tapped her high heel against the concrete floor.
“This is about taking that little upstart down so my husband can be on top. We’ve had to live under Gennaro’s shadow for long enough. He’s dead, so it’s my time now.”
Devlin looked at her like she was mad. To be honest, I thought she was batshit fucking crazy too. Did she really think she could get away with stealing Dino and Gian’s shipments without anyone taking notice? They’d already kept it under wraps, which made me suspicious. Devlin’s pronouncement about it being to get leverage on her husband told me he didn’t know, but what if he did? Was that why he’d done nothing about it? It was a question I didn’t think I would get answers to right now.
“Whatever. I’ll double security, but you need to get this shit out of here soon. If Zayn finds out I was helping you, I doubt I’ll be alive much longer.”
She stepped closer to him and patted his cheek with one hand.
“Let me worry about Zayn and Gil.” She waved at the men behind her. “Give him his money and unload the crates. I’ll be seeing you soon, Dev.”
She turned and sauntered away towards the entrance. Her men came forward with two bags and threw them down at Devlin’s feet.
“Check them,” he said to his own men.
I shifted, turning to Edric, who had a grim expression on his face. He gave me a slight nod. We both knew what had to happen next. He pulled out his phone, firing off a text to our men as I nudged Theia, indicating we needed to move. The sooner we got out of here, the fucking better. While Devlin’s men were distracted with unloading the shipment, we could leave without anyone being the wiser.
Edric packed up the camera before the three of us crept away. I was livid, of course, but I kept my temper in check. It was not time to explode and go off on one over what we’d learnt. I had to remain focused and make a plan for what needed to come next.
We retraced our steps until we were out of the building and beyond the fence. It was only then I turned to Edric.
“Did you make sure they’re going to follow them?”
“Yup, they’re still unloading, and Pippa is on the phone outside the car.”