“I hate people.”
Zayn snorted.
“You and me both.”
He patted me on the shoulder before digging his hand into his pocket and producing his phone. I watched him put it to his ear as I tucked the gun back into my pocket.
“Where are you?” Zayn asked, as the person on the other end answered. “I’m not even going to ask what you’re already doing here. Come to room five. I have something I need you to deal with. And yes, you’ll need a clean-up team.”
He hung up and stuffed his phone into his pocket.
“Who was that?”
“My Fixer.”
I’d never met the Fixer Zayn always used as we didn’t run in the same circles and I had my own men to handle any clean-ups, but I was aware of his reputation. He was sought after by a lot of people, but he only worked with a few prominent clients he deemed worthy of his time.
“He’s at the club?”
Zayn rolled his eyes.
“Yes. Probably watching Remi again.”
“And you’re not doing something about it?”
He rubbed his chin.
“No, she made me promise not to interfere in her life unless she asked for my help.”
I almost laughed.
“That must be so difficult for you.”
He scowled and moved away towards the door.
“Shut up.”
Zayn wasn’t known for letting things go when it came to the people he cared about. No doubt he was frustrated with Remi for wanting to handle things herself. He shouldn’t be surprised. Remi was as stubborn as he was. Those two were like peas in a pod.
He opened the door, revealing a heavily tattooed man with a wide grin on his face.
“All right, Z?”
“Get the fuck in here.”
Zayn took Penn by the arm and dragged him into the room, shutting the door behind him. Penn looked around the room, his eyes landing on the dead man next to me.
“Not as messy as your usual ones, Z. I’m disappointed.”
“I did not kill him. He did.”
Penn raised an eyebrow before his eyes landed on me.
“And who is this? I see the family resemblance.” He put his hand to his chest. “Aww, Zayn, are you finally making me part of your inner circle?”
Zayn gave him a dark look.
“This is my brother, Gil. Gil, this is Penn.”