Page 100 of Titan

I shifted on my feet.

“Dare I ask how you found out?”

He shrugged and lowered his hands from his chest.

“I asked Bennett. I wanted to make sure Julia wouldn’t be an issue for Arianna in the future.”

My brother was always twenty steps ahead of everyone else. Made him dangerous, especially to those who underestimated him and his wealth of knowledge.

“You know, I think this would be better coming from you since you’re the one who spoke to Julia.”

I stared at my brother for a long moment. I might have thought he was joking if I didn’t know him so well. Zayn didn’t say things like that lightly.

“Why? So you won’t get in so much trouble for keeping something from her?”

“No. I can deal with her ire. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve pissed her off.” He shrugged and placed his hands on his desk. “Ari would appreciate hearing it from the source rather than through me.”

I could understand that, even if I still thought he wanted to avoid her getting too pissed off at him for keeping secrets. He’d confided in me about the last time they’d got into a fight, and how he’d been trying his best to have open communication with her. It was something I was trying to do with Theia too. She made it easy to tell her things, though. There was never any judgement between us. She was the other reason I needed to speak to my brother. It was time I dealt with the little issue of these letters and how someone had got through his security measures.

“Fine. I’ll speak to her about it, but that isn’t actually the main reason I came to see you.”

Zayn raised his eyebrows, tapping his tattooed fingers on his desk.


I set the letters I had in my hand on his desk.

“This is why I’m here.”

He leaned forward and pulled them closer to him. His eyes narrowed when he read who the first letter was addressed to.

“Is this you coming clean about visiting the club under an assumed name to see one of my employees?”

“I didn’t think I had to when you already know.”

He smiled faintly as he pulled the letters from their envelopes.

“Are you going to explain what these are—”

Zayn didn’t finish his sentence as he pulled the raven charm out. His expression darkened as he set it on the desk. I didn’t ask him what he was thinking. It was clear he knew exactly what the charm meant. His face gave it away.

“That’s not the only thing. Someone came to her flat and tried to take her. It was lucky I was still in the building to scare him off. She’s not safe there, so she’s staying with me, and I’ve given her bodyguards for protection.”

He leaned his elbows on the desk, steepled his hands, and looked up at me.

“She’s staying with… you?”


“Why would you do that for one of my employees?”

I rubbed my fingers together.

“Why wouldn’t I? She’s my girlfriend.”

Zayn stared at me for a long moment without blinking. He shook himself before his gaze dropped to the letters. He spread them out on the desk, looking over each one.

“Right. Okay. You have a girlfriend now.”