Page 73 of Titan

“Gil, please,” she panted as I kissed my way down her jaw.

“What do you want?”


My hand went to her jumper, pushing it up her chest as I needed to feel her. Every part of her against every part of me. There was nothing else for it. Whatever exhaustion from the day that had plagued me on the way here was gone. I didn’t care to ask her if she was okay after she’d witnessed me execute three men. All I cared about was being in this moment with her. Wrapped up in a bubble of desire.

“Tell me exactly what you want me to do.”

Theia helped me strip her jumper and t-shirt off. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. My eyes were on those perfect breasts, wanting to kiss them all over again like I had done earlier.

“It’s not a want,” she whispered, “I need it.”

“What do you need?”

Her eyes grew hooded as my fingers worked the buttons of her jeans. I wasn’t taking my time, even though I probably should savour every moment. I couldn’t think about anything but doing this with her.

“Fuck me.”

The way she said it was so full of desperation. Did she think I didn’t want that too?

“You need me to fuck you?”


“Good, because I need to fuck you too.”

Her blue-grey eyes widened slightly at my admission. I didn’t think Theia realised just how deep my need to be with her ran.

My hands tugged apart her jeans, pulling them down her hips with little care whether I tore them. I didn’t think Theia minded judging by the way she was staring at me. I had to shift back so I could slide off her trainers and socks. Those were dropped off the end of the bed before I pulled the rest of her clothes down her legs, leaving her bare before me.

Pushing off the bed, I got to my feet and stared at her. Did she know how beautiful she was? I admired her curves and edges with clinical detachment before, but now… now the sight of her was just plain damn alluring on every single fucking level. I wanted to indulge in it. But what I wanted more was to be inside her.

My hands went to my clothes, pushing my coat off my shoulders. She watched me with rapt attention, barely breathing, as I tugged my shirt over my head and dropped it to the floor. Her lips parted on a sharp exhale, but she didn’t say a word. I didn’t have to ask if she was happy with what she saw. It was written all over her face. I might be shit at reading women, but I’d been trying to learn Theia’s expressions and what they meant. This one was lust. Of that, I was sure.

I didn’t want to take my time with the rest of my clothes, but I did for her. Being the sole focus of her attention didn’t make my skin itch in the uncomfortable way it did with other people. It was itching for an entirely different reason. One that I couldn’t scratch without her involvement.

When I was as bare as her, I knelt on the bed before crawling over her. She was almost panting, her eyes intent on mine.

“I’m going to take what I want from you, Theia,” I murmured as I ran my finger down the centre of her chest. “If you don’t want that, tell me now.”

Her teeth dug into her bottom lip, but she didn’t say a word. Her hands rested at her sides, neither trying to escape her fate nor drag me closer to speed this up. I tried not to smile. She wanted to give up control, just as she had earlier in the voyeur room, and when I’d made her sit on her bed so I could bury my face in her pussy.

Leaning closer, I hovered my mouth over the hollow of her throat. I could almost hear the rapid staccato of her heartbeat.

“You want me to take control, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispered in an almost breathless voice.

“Good girl.”

Not wishing to delay this any further, I leant towards my bedside table, ripping the second drawer open. I might have never brought a woman back to my penthouse, but I liked to be prepared for all outcomes. My hands found the box I’d stuffed in there. I was tearing it open and extracting one of the small packets a moment later. Theia watched me without making a sound. I could feel her eyes tracking my every movement. They darkened when I rolled the condom on. Even more so when I leant back over her.

I placed one hand by her head, my fingers brushing over her hair laying on the covers. The other was between us. I gripped my cock and ran the tip through her folds. She let out a breathy moan when the head knocked her clit.

“Do you want this?”

She nodded.