He looked over at me as his hand raised again. Then he was running away down the corridor, disappearing around a corner the next moment. Every instinct inside me was screaming to go after him, but I had Theia to worry about. She was who I needed to keep safe. I made a mental note of what he looked like before I ran to her door.
I knocked gently, not wanting to scare her any further.
“Theia, it’s me.”
There was no sound from within.
“Theia, open the door, please. It’s Gil. He’s gone, and I need to know you’re okay.”
It took another minute before the locks behind the door turned and she pulled it open. The chain was on the door, so I could only peer through the gap.
She let out a little sob, shut the door, unlatched it, and pulled it open. I was caught off guard when she launched herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and burying her face in it.
“Gil,” she sobbed.
I stroked her back and walked inside, shutting the door behind us as she clung to me.
“Shh, I’m here. I’m right here.”
“Did… did you see him?”
“Yes. He ran before I could do anything.”
She held me tighter as if she couldn’t let go. Her whole body was trembling. My poor girl was terrified.
“Don’t leave me,” she sobbed, “please don’t leave me.”
My heart fucking hurt with her words. As if I would leave her in this state. Not when she was crying and scared out of her mind. I picked her up and took her into the living room, settling us down on the sofa together. I let her cry herself out, stroking her back until she’d settled down and her body stopped trembling.
While she was crying, I thought about what the fuck I was going to do. If those cunts had found out where she was living, they’d be back. This building might be safe, but the fact they’d got in made me think they had help. My brother had made sure his employees had the highest security, but I didn’t feel right about leaving her here alone. Not after this.
“I need to tell you something,” she whispered into my neck.
“What’s that?”
She pulled away and looked up into my face.
“I’ve known they found out where I am for weeks.”
I didn’t know how to react to her words.
“You have?”
She nodded and looked away, her face going red.
“They’ve been sending me letters saying all this horrible stuff, and I’ve been ignoring it. I didn’t want to believe they’d actually get to me. I know it was stupid, but… I’m not good at asking for help.”
The fact they’d been threatening her pissed me off even further, but I could also understand why she hadn’t told anyone. Hell, it had taken her years to even admit her past to anyone. I did not have time to dwell on the whole situation, though. I still had to deal with these fuckers Edric had found.
“You can show me later. Right now, I need you to put some clothes on and get your stuff together because you’re coming with me. I’m not letting you stay here.”
Theia blinked, then rubbed her face.
“You’re not?”
“No. It’s not safe.”