Page 6 of Titan

“Where is Zayn?” was the first thing Matteo said.

The question rubbed me up the wrong way. My palm flattened against my thigh, my teeth gritting in my mouth, but I remained outwardly calm.

“He isn’t here.”

“I thought we were having a meeting about the new leadership.”

“We are. If you’d take a seat, I’ll explain everything.”

I waved at the two chairs in front of me. Edric shifted next to me, leaning closer and lowering his voice.

“Are you sure about this, Gil?”

“Don’t question me in front of them,” I murmured under my breath.

Edric straightened immediately, his back going rigid. I needed him to shut up and give me his silent support. If they even got a whiff, there was any dissent, Matteo and Salvatore would be on me in a second. This had to be handled the right way, or we’d face an uphill battle. It was bad enough that I was about to tell them I was in charge now. If Edric didn’t stand by me, I wouldn’t have any allies or someone to watch my back.

Salvatore was the first to sit down, giving me a slight nod. He was the more measured one of the two who liked to know all the facts before he made a decision about anything. Matteo remained standing as he crossed his arms over his chest. I’d been Gennaro’s second-in-command for the past five years. Salvatore and Matteo had been hiscapodecinas, who I should have been in charge of, but my father had supervised everything I did. His standards were sky high. I’m not sure I ever really met them.

I wanted these two to remain in their positions if possible. They had the most sway over the men they were in charge of.


“I’m not sitting down until you tell me what is going on. Gennaro has been dead long enough. We can’t afford to sit around like fucking lemons any longer. Zayn should be here doing what he is supposed to. That little upstart has always thought he was better than us. No wonder he sent you to deliver the news.”

I leaned forward, linking my hands together and setting them on the desk. Matteo denigrating my older brother pissed me off. Zayn was family, and no one disrespected a Villetti in my presence without consequences.

“We aren’t here to discuss my brother,” I told him, keeping my voice calm. “I’m in charge now, and I expect you to respect my position.”

Matteo blinked, his greying eyebrows shooting up into his hairline. Salvatore sat back, his eyes roaming between me and Edric as if he was assessing the situation.


I tapped a finger on the desk.

“Yes, me. Thisfamigliais mine now.”

“Are you seriously telling me your brother decided you—”

I put my hand up, silencing him.

“I’m telling you, this is my house and if you want to remaincapodecina, I suggest you sit the fuck down and shut up.”

Matteo’s mouth dropped open. I’d never spoken to him that way in my life. To be honest, I kept silent for the most part. Speaking out against my father wasn’t worth the hassle. It was easier to fly under the radar and do as you were told. Now, they were going to learn I wasn’t going to take it easy on them if they stepped out of line.

Zayn told me to run things my way, make them understand I wasn’t a puppet and could hold my own. It was the only thing I could do under the circumstances. Be my own man and show them my worth.

“If you think I’m going to let you talk to me like that, you have another—”

Matteo didn’t get much further than that. No, he was dead within moments of the gun going off with a shot right between the eyes. The gun was now sitting on the table in front of me after I’d pulled it out of the drawer of my desk and fired. Not only had the piece of shit disrespected my brother, but he’d also been unwilling to listen to me. I didn’t have time or the inclination to deal with him any further. He was better dead than alive to me at this point. If anyone else wanted to mouth off at me, they would meet the same fate. They should all know better. I was Gennaro’s most ruthless killer, after all. WhenPapáwanted to make an example of someone, he gave them to me.

Matteo dropped to the floor in a heap, his lifeless eyes fixed on the ceiling. Neither Salvatore nor Edric said a word. I sat back in my chair and crossed my hands over my chest.

“Do we have an understanding about who is in charge here, Sal?” I asked, turning my gaze to the man still sitting watching me with a neutral expression on his face.

He inclined his head.

“We do, boss.”