“Listen, I have no interest in getting in between whatever this is. Gil can do what he wants. He would literally kill me if I did anything to piss him off. My brothers are both fucking crazy. I was just curious, is all. I meant no harm.”
I had no idea whether to take him at face value or not, but I had better things to do than talk to Enzo.
“You sure about that?”
He rolled his eyes.
“What? About my brothers being crazy? Fuck yes. I get lectures from Zayn almost daily and Gil… well, let’s just say he’s fucking brutal and doesn’t sugar-coat a single thing.”
I could readily believe that about Gil. His blunt honesty had been a lot to take at first, but I was getting used to it. It was refreshing in a lot of ways. I didn’t have to worry about where I stood with him. He was very clear about it. I was the problem in this scenario with my inappropriate feelings towards him. I hoped he never found out. It would make things supremely awkward. He might not want to see me. I couldn’t abide by it.
“I meant about not saying anything.”
“Oh. I’m not going to say a word, don’t worry.”
“Okay, well…” I waved in the direction of the club. “I need to go.”
He stepped aside and swept his arm out.
“As the lady wishes.”
I ignored him and walked away. As long as he kept his mouth shut, it would be fine. Not that I actually trusted Enzo. He hadn’t given me a reason to.
When I got onto the club floor, I looked around and found Remi leaning against one of the tables. I stalked towards her. She didn’t notice when I came to a standstill next to her. I looked across the room, following her line of sight. A man was sitting on one of the velvet upholstered benches on the opposite side of where we were standing. He had light brown hair, a scar on his face, and was covered in tattoos. The way he looked at Remi sent a shiver down my spine. There was an intensity to him that made me nervous.
Why the hell is he staring at her so hard? That’s kind of fucking creepy.
“Who is that?” I asked.
Remi jumped at the sound of my voice and whipped her head around to me. She had a guilty look in her eyes like she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t.
“No one.”
I didn’t believe that for a second, but I wasn’t going to question her about it in the club in full view of the man and everyone else. Grabbing her by the arm, I tugged her away towards the staff room.
“We need to talk.”
Remi didn’t protest as I dragged her through the door behind the bar. Not only was I going to find out why she was looking at that guy, but I also needed to discuss my encounter with Enzo.
I let go of her when the door swung shut. She looked at me with wide eyes. I wasn’t going to let her get away with shit.
“No one? He was staring at you pretty fucking hard for beingno one.”
Her cheeks went pink, and her eyes darted away.
“He’s just a guy, okay?”
The whole time I’d known Remi, she’d never dated. Will told me men were intimidated by her because she came across as aloof. Not that he was interested in Remi as he had a girlfriend, but Cas had been when they first met. She put a halt to that pretty quickly. I didn’t blame her, as Cas was flaky at best when it came to the opposite sex. He put his time in at work, but outside of it, he wasn’t one to commit.
“Are you seeing him?”
“No. I mean, he’s asked me out a ton of times. I kept saying no, but he’s persistent. I kind of said yes this time.”
I thought I’d heard her incorrectly at first, but no, Remi definitely told me she agreed to a date with whoever this guy was.