“What? No, I don’t want… that’s not… I really don’t want you to do that.” He ran a hand through his hair, looking distinctly put out by the whole thing. “I’m not interested in anything sexual with you, Theia. It’s not why I’m here.” He let out a sigh and looked away. “I just want to talk to you, that’s all.”
For a moment, I had no idea what the fuck to say as I tried to process what he’d told me. Why the hell was he in his brother’s sex club if he didn’t want anything sexual? This had to be some kind of fucking joke.
You are a dead woman, Remi. I’m going to have your head for this.
“You just want to… talk?”
He looked at me again.
“This is a joke, right? You and Remi have cooked up some stupid prank to play on me?”
He frowned and took another step toward me.
“No, it’s not. You have me confused with Enzo. I don’t do pranks.”
It was the type of thing I imagined Enzo doing. I would have never imagined his brother would ever do something like this, nor did Remi. She couldn’t stand Enzo and his antics.
“Listen, Theia, I’m sorry. I should have stopped you before you started talking about your services and told you what I wanted. That’s my fault.”
Too fucking right, it’s your fault. Jesus, this man is giving me whiplash.
“I want someone to talk to and because of things going on in my life, I need it to be confidential. I know you can’t talk about it outside this room.”
He was right. None of us talked about our client’s personal business. Zayn made us all sign non-disclosure agreements. I wouldn’t have said anything to anyone, anyway. I didn’t have a lot of friends. The only people I saw were my work colleagues. I kept to myself outside of my job for good reason.
It didn’t make this any less weird. Him wanting to talk to me, that was. Surely, he had other people he could speak to as opposed to a sex worker.
He’s paying for your time, Theia, so you need to give him what he wants. Don’t forget that.
I had to put my big fucking girl boots on. It was strange, but at the end of the day, Gil was a client and if he wanted to talk, we could talk. It was completely out of the ordinary for me, but the fact I didn’t have to perform for him made this less awkward. If I was going to be completely honest with myself, the thought of him watching me touch myself aroused me way more than it should. I enjoyed performing for my clients or I wouldn’t do this sort of work. I didn’t find any of them attractive. But Gil? He was a different matter entirely.
“Okay. If that’s what you want, I can do that.”
His face cleared of all emotion.
“Are you sure?”
I smiled at him, not wanting to betray my inner thoughts. The ones about how disappointed I was that he didn’t want to watch me. They were entirely fucked up.
“Of course, we’re all about making sure our clients are happy here.”
He rubbed his hand over his shirt and looked around the room. It was time I got on with my job.
“Why don’t you come sit next to me over here?”
I moved over to the sofa, sat down, and patted the seat next to me. He stared at my hand like it might physically harm him.
“I’d rather not be that close.”
I didn’t know whether to be offended or not.
He’s a client. Why the fuck are you taking this personally?
I knew why. I was attracted to him, and he didn’t want what I’d assumed he would as a paying client. I had to get my act together before I derailed his session further.
“You can sit wherever makes you comfortable, Gil. I can move if you’d like?”