Page 6 of Tease

“Y-y-y-you did?”

Why would he do that? He doesn’t need to do things for me.

He put his hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it, giving me a sheepish smile.

“Yeah. Martina told me what you like to eat.”

I didn’t know what to say. Arlo making me lunch was a small gesture, but it felt significant to me. Like he cared. Or maybe he was just doing it because my mother asked him to. The thought of that made my chest deflate.

“And I wanted to make sure you’re okay. I haven’t seen you much.”

I hadn’t spoken to him since the day he arrived. Work had consumed me, and I spent the evenings hiding away in Sofia’s room with my books. It stopped me from doing something stupid, like staring at my bed and wondering what it would feel like to sleep next to him. I didn’t dare touch any of his stuff. A suitcase sat near my bookshelves containing all of his clothes, but he kept it closed.

I waved a hand at my computer. Me not being around had nothing to do with not wanting to spend time with him. I really wanted to, but I was terrified at the same time. What if he found out I liked him and rejected me? I couldn’t take that. It would be too much.

“I know you’ve been working.” He shoved off the ladder and stepped closer, leaning a hand on the bed, and bending down so we were eye-level. “I was talking about the evenings, Rina.”

I didn’t think my face could get any hotter. My hand went to my cheek as my teeth dug into my bottom lip.

“I noticed you ran away after dinner. Are you scared of me?”

I dropped my hand, blinking rapidly at his question.


The word came out so loud, that I didn’t recognise my own voice for a moment. And it made Arlo smile, cocking his head to the side as he did it.

“I-I-I’m not,” I whispered, trying to formulate a better response in my head. None was forthcoming.

“Will you come have lunch with me?”

He put his hand out. The thought of holding it made my thighs squeeze together. He’d touched me the first day he arrived here, but actually taking his hand felt huge to me.

Be brave, Rina. He’s just offering you his hand. There’s nothing else to it.

It took me a moment to place my hand in his. The warmth of his skin made me want to feel more of it. To be wrapped up in his arms. To feel all of him against all of me.

Arlo guided me out from underneath my bed, smiling at me the whole time like he was pleased I had agreed to lunch. When he tried to drop my hand, my fingers involuntarily tightened over his. His jaw twitched as I did it like he was surprised by my not wanting him to let go. I expected him to comment on it, but he didn’t. Instead, Arlo readjusted his hold on me and led me from the room. I stared down at our joined hands, our fingers laced together in an intimate gesture. Never once did I imagine he’d want to be this close to me.

“Martina has always been very vague about what you actually do.”

“S-s-she d-doesn’t u-u-understand it.”

His eyes twinkled as he looked down at me.

“I’m sure I would.”

“Cyber s-s-security. My b-b-boss w-w-works w-with s-s-several companies. I-I-I monitor threats and other s-s-stuff.”

We descended the stairs, him going first. Even so, he kept a tight hold of my hand, like he didn’t want to let go either. My heart fluttered and my stomach got all funny. It wasn’t something I should have read into, but I couldn’t help it. I’d always wanted Arlo to notice me. And now it felt like he was more than paying attention to me. He wanted to be around me.

“I always knew you were smart,” he murmured.

“T-that a b-bad thing?”

His eyes widened.

“Not at all. Intelligence is an asset.”