“And what would those plans be?” He leaned over and unbuckled my seatbelt, his knuckles grazing my stomach. “Do you want to tell me?”

“No,” I said, breathing heavily as he kissed me lightly on the lips. “Max.”

“Yes,” He touched the side of my face and then kissed my neck. “Is there something you want to say to me, Polly?”

“No.” I swallowed hard as his fingers grazed my breasts. “We’re on the plane still.”

“And that means we still have time to join the mile-high club.”

“But we’re not in the air.”

“We’re still on the plane. Being in the air is a technicality I don’t care about.”

“I’m not going to make love to you on this plane, Max.”

“Pity.” He chuckled as he leaned back. “But I can wait until this evening. Just so you know, I sleep naked.”

“Just so you know, that doesn’t mean a thing to me.” I grinned at him. “I wear a full set of pajamas, and I’m a deep sleeper. I won’t even know you’re on the bed with me.”

“We’ll see about that.” He laughed. “In fact, I have a feeling that those PJs aren’t going to be on you very long.”

“I have a feeling you’re going to be wrong,” I shot back at him, and then because I couldn’t help myself, “I’m glad you liked the book, though. That means a lot.”

“You’re really talented, Polly Campbell. Don’t cut yourself short.” He smiled slightly. “You really are one in a million.” And in that moment, I wished he was talking about me as a woman as opposed to as a writer. I didn’t know what was wrong with me.


The sound of running water in the bathroom only increased my nerves as I lay back on the king-size bed. Max had taken back-to-back calls on the car ride over to the hotel, so we hadn’t had much conversation. Instead, I’d texted my sisters, and we’d joked about Molly and her aspirations to be an actress and how her extensions had nearly fallen out. I was trying to ignore the way my stomach was churning as I waited for Max to be done in the shower. We had decided that we would both shower and then head out to dinner. Max had made a reservation at some nice restaurant in Hayes Valley, and he’d suggested going down to Fisherman’s Wharf after we ate. I was just happy to see San Francisco.

I looked around the hotel room and took photos to send my sisters and Natasha, who had also been texting me. The room was luxurious, with beautiful art on the walls, silk sheets, and a TV on the dresser that was larger than any TV I’d ever seen in anyone’s house before. Even Finn’s. And he was a billionaire.

The sound of the shower stopping made me readjust my position on the bed and sit up slightly. I looked toward the bathroom as the door opened, and my jaw dropped as a half-naked Max emerged, with a white towel wrapped around his torso and a dripping wet head.

“All yours.” He grinned at me as he sauntered into the bedroom, his tan chest sprinkled with a smattering of dark hairs that I wanted to run my fingers up and down. He had an enviable six-pack that looked close to an eight-pack, and his pecks were muscular. I stared at his arms and swallowed hard. He was strong. He could throw me over his shoulder and carry me to bed easily. My eyes moved downward to his expanse of thigh and thick calves. He really did have a perfect body. I slowly got off of the bed and opened my bag to pull out a pair of clean panties and a nice dress.

“You don’t need them, do you?” Max asked with a grin as he looked at the black thong in my hands.

“Yes, I do.” I laughed. “My dress is short.”

“So?” He grinned, and I could feel drops of water falling from his hair and onto my skin.

“So I don’t want to flash randoms in the streets of San Francisco.” I laughed as I grabbed my strapless bra. “I’m going in the shower now.”

“Okay.” He nodded. “Want some company?”

“You just had a shower.”

“You can never be too clean, right?”

“Haha.” I laughed and just walked to the bathroom. “I won’t be long.”

“Take your time.” He dropped his towel on the floor, and I tried not to gape at his very white penis. He wasn’t super tanned everywhere, then. “I’ll be here, waiting.”

“Okay, then,” I said quickly and closed the door behind me. I could hear him chuckling in the bedroom as I took my clothes off. Max was really making me hot. I turned on the shower and stepped in, loving the feel of the water as it cascaded down my naked body. The water was still hot and the pressure was so much better than my shower at home. I grabbed the shampoo and rubbed it into my scalp and scrubbed my head and hair. I rinsed the shampoo out and then grabbed the conditioner and ran it through my curls with my fingers before stepping to the side and grabbing the body wash.

I could hear Max singing something in the hotel room, and I smiled at how domesticated it all felt. My hands slipped back and forth on my skin, and the smell of peaches and vanilla filled the air. The body wash smelled amazing, and I reminded myself to ask the front desk agent what body wash they used in the rooms because I needed to buy some for my own home.

About ten minutes later, my skin was scrubbed and clean, and my hair was hanging in wet curls down my back. I rubbed the thick white towel across my skin to dry myself before grabbing another towel and wrapping it around my head to help soak up the moisture in my hair. The room was foggy from the heat, so I opened the door so that I could let some cool air in. Max was sitting on the edge of the bed in a pair of red boxers and nothing else. His eyes met mine as I stepped through the door. I could feel the blood leaving my face as he summoned me over to him. I couldn’t believe it when my feet headed toward him.