“Fine, I’ll get them,” Harriet said as she made her way out of the room. I leaned back on the comfortable couch in Finn’s living room and stared at Chelsea, who was licking the marshmallows at the top of her cup.
“What are you doing?”
“Drinking cocoa,” she said, looking up at me. “I mean, I’d rather be doing that dishy Travis from your office, but this will have to do.”
“He’s not dishy and hands off.” I pointed my finger at her. “I’m already in enough trouble at that firm. I do not need you hooking up with my boss.”
“I know,” Chelsea said sweetly. “That’s your job, right?”
“What are you talking about?” I glared at her.
“Polly, I know you and Max did something in that office. Your face was bright red when you came downstairs and your shirt and skirt was all messed up.”
“We didn’t hook up,” I said quickly.
“But you nearly did, right?”
“Maybe,” I admitted with a giggle. “But he’s just so full of himself, so I cut it off.”
“You cut what off?” Harriet asked as she walked back into the room. “Or do I not want to know?”
“Polly nearly banged her boss, but she stopped,” Chelsea said with a laugh.
“Oh, Polly,” Harriet said, shaking her head.
“Don’t ‘oh, Polly’ me.” I grabbed a cookie from the plate she held in her hand. “You banged your boss and we didn’t say anything.”
“You said plenty.” She giggled as she got onto the couch next to me. “So do you like this guy?”
“I mean, I don’t know,” I admitted. “He’s really cute, and he can be funny. And sometimes he seems nice, but he’s so full of himself, and well, I just don’t know if I want to be the girl who’s sleeping with her boss.”
“I get it,” Harriet said. “Sounds like you want to focus on the job and not the man.”
“Kinda,” I said, even though that wasn’t really true. I wasn’t sure that the law was made for me, but I didn’t want to say that outloud because then people would question why I was staying at the internship. And I didn’t want to admit that it was because of Max. I needed to get to know him better. I needed to figure out who he was. Outside of the bedroom. Sure, I believed he could make me come in ten seconds flat, if he wanted to. And I knew he was smart. But I just didn’t know who he was as a man. And if he was even interested in me. Sexual attraction didn’t always equal a relationship.
“Let’s be real. You want to bang him,” Chelsea said crudely. “And he wants to bang you. You’re just not sure if he’s going to throw you to the curb after he’s had you.”
“That’s not exactly what I was thinking.” I pressed my lips together. “But yes, I would like to get to know him better.”
“You’ll have time to get to know him in California,” Harriet added. “See if he’s worthy of your loving.”
“Yeah.” I nodded. “And I’ll get to figure out if his head is really that big.”
“In your mouth?” Chelsea asked, raising an eyebrow, and I threw a pillow at her.
“Get your head out of the gutter, Chelsea.” I glared at her, and she giggled.
“Oh, guess what!” she squealed. “With all the drama, I forgot to tell you.”
“What?” I asked her, curiously.
“Lily heard from Creepy, and he wants to visit her in Florida.” She giggled. “And Lily said maybe.”
“What?” My jaw dropped. “I thought she wasn’t into him.”
“I guess maybe she is,” Chelsea said. “Apparently that was some good fingering.”
“Really?” Harriet chastised us. “If Mom and Dad heard you two talking, they’d send you to a convent.”