“When I told you about the reunion.”
“What about it?”
“I did tell you it was my thirty-year reunion.”
“You did?” I frowned. Had I somehow missed that?
“I thought you were cool with it because you didn’t say anything. I mean, I basically still look the same, right?” He rubbed his bald head. “Just a few missing hairs.” He looked me up and down again. “And don’t worry, I love younger women.”
“Hmm,” I mumbled as I took a deep breath. “Well, I guess we should go inside. We’re not going to stay long.”
“We can stay as long as you want to, babe. Unless you wanna rush me home?” He winked. “I’m down for whatever.”
“Uh huh.” I tried not to cringe or cry. I had to play this just right. I couldn’t tell Ben off or tell him to leave or Max would know it was a big lie. I was going to have to pretend that Ben and I had fallen in love because of his great personality (which I still hadn’t seen) and then plan a breakup sooner rather than later. Maybe even at the party. It wasn’t the ideal solution, but it was the only option I could think of that wouldn’t have Ben trying to get into my pants.
“Let’s go inside, babe. I need some alcohol. This place looks fancy.” Ben grinned as he grabbed my hand. “Then we can think about what time we want to leave.”
“How thoughtful you are.” I smiled at him weakly, while I extracted my hand from his sweaty palm. We walked into the building and headed toward the elevator. Boobie was standing next to a sign talking to Travis, and I noticed that Travis looked very pleased to see me.
“Polly, how are you?” He walked away from Boobie, who looked very disappointed, and offered me a wide smile. “I wanted to find out how your first week went.”
“Great, thanks,” I said, smiling at him. Travis really was a nice guy. “I’m working for Max right now as his personal assistant.” I made a little face, and Travis laughed.
“Hey, babe, who is this?” Ben stepped forward, an obnoxious look on his face as he stared down Travis. “I’m Ben, Polly’s boyfriend.”
“This is Travis,” I said quickly. “One of my bosses.” I flinched at the shocked expression that crossed Travis’s face. This was embarrassing.
“Hi, Ben, nice to meet you.” Travis held his hand out. “How long have you two been dating?” He turned to me. “I don’t remember Finn telling me that you were dating.”
“We’ve been fucking for a while,” Ben said, giving me a grin. “But I just made it official a few weeks ago. Before that, we were friends with benefits.” He rubbed his hands together. “If you know what I mean.”
“Hmmm.” Travis nodded, and I could see the grateful look on his face as the elevator beeped. “Shall we go up to the party?”
“Yes, please,” I said, hurrying into the elevator. I grabbed my cellphone from my purse and texted Chelsea quickly.
Polly: I hate you.
Chelsea: What did I do?
Polly: Ben arrived.
Chelsea: And?
Polly: He’s in his fifties. Bald. Gross.
Chelsea: And that’s a problem?
Polly: You’re dead.
Chelsea: Sounds like a step up on your ex. :P
Polly: Chelsea Campbell, I am going to peel your skin off and…
Chelsea: You sound like a psychopath, Polly. Get a grip.
Polly: I have to pretend this man is my bf. This is gross.
Chelsea: What can I do to help, dear sister of mine?