Polly: Not yet. But one day. Sorry about the delay. Just had to head to the kitchen and unpack the dishwasher.

Ben: Ooh, did you cook dinner tonight? I love a woman that can cook.

Polly: I didn’t cook tonight, but maybe one night I will cook for you.

Ben: We need to make that happen soon.

Polly: We do. :)

Ben: I’d love to make you breakfast one morning.

Polly: Oh, that’s sweet.

Ben: After a busy night out, of course. ;)

Polly: HAHA!

Ben: Hope, I’m not too forward.

Polly: It’s okay.

Ben: What are you up to this Friday? Let me take you out on a date.

Polly:I have a work event, but maybe you can come and then we can go out after?

Ben: Sure! That sounds fun.

Polly: Perfect!

“Yes!” I grinned to myself. I’d done it. I had a gorgeous, fun, and amazing guy for Friday. Max was going to finally meet my boyfriend, and I wasn’t going to look like an idiot. And maybe Ben and I would actually end up dating for real. How cool would that be? I was practically beaming as I finished unpacking the dishwasher. I wasn’t even mad that I was here in Max’s house working as his maid. I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he met Ben, my handsome, hunky surfer boyfriend.

“Did you say something, Polly?” Max asked me as he stood up and stretched.

“No,” I said, beaming at him. “Just wanted to let you know my boyfriend is going to be there on Friday, and he’s really looking forward to it.”

“Great. I can’t wait to meet him.”He smiled. “What’s his name?”

“Ben.” I grinned. “Ben Nightingale.”

“Aw yes, Mr. Nightingale.” Max nodded. “Well, I look forward to meeting him.”

“I think he’s excited to meet my new boss as well.”

“Hopefully he’s not too intimidated when he sees us together.”

“What?” I frowned. “Why would he feel intimidated?”

“Well, when he sees how handsome I am and how rich I am.” He chuckled. “I’m just joking, Polly. I know that you don’t have eyes for me. In fact, I find it refreshing to have an assistant that isn’t trying to get me into bed.”

“Yeah, well…” I said, not sure what else to say. Where was he going with this?

“I’m going on a work trip to California next week, and I would love you to accompany me. Now I know you have a boyfriend, I know there will be no impropriety on your part.” He smirked. “So this will be perfect.”

“You want me to accompany you on a work trip?” I raised a single eyebrow, as my heart raced. “I don’t think I have enough experience to be of help.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll be fine.” He grinned. “In fact, I insist you come.” He nodded his head in satisfaction. “Why don’t you do the laundry and then I’ll give you a ride home, so you can start packing yourself? Yes, this will work out nicely.”

“I mean, if you think so…” My voice trailed off. I had no idea how to get out of this. But maybe it wouldn’t be so bad going along with it. How horrible could he end up being on a work trip? And now he believed I had a boyfriend, he wasn’t going to continue acting like a jackass toward me. “Sure, I’ll come,” I said finally.