“Aw, you’re so sweet, Chelsea.”

“You’re welcome. Now what are you going to wear?” She looked at my outfit and pressed her lips together dismissively. “I would advocate that you don’t wear those jeans or that top.”

“What? I love this top.”

“It doesn’t love you, honey.” She giggled. Sometimes she was cold as ice in her digs.

“What do you mean?” I asked, looking down at what I thought was a very cute navy-and-white baby doll top.

“I’m sorry, but it’s so baggy around the waist. It makes you look like you’re having a baby.”

“Thanks, Chelsea.” I glared at her.

“What? I’m just being honest. That style doesn’t suit you. You have to be really, really skinny to wear really baggy clothes like that. Otherwise you look like you’re wearing a tent.”

“Thanks. Are you calling me fat?”

“No, I’m just saying… Oh, whatever. Okay, let me see.” She walked over to my closet and opened the doors. “You want to look professional, but sweet, but also sexy.”

“Why would I want to look sexy trying to get a job at a law firm?”

“Because if it’s a male attorney, you want him to be thinking with his little head rather than his big end.”

“Oh my gosh, Chelsea.”

“What? I’m just saying, it’s not like you have any qualifications that are going to get you this job. Do you even have a resume?”

I bit down on my lower lip. “Oh yeah. I forgot about that. But it’s not like I have much to put on my resume.”

“Exactly. So you have to make them want to see you in the office on a daily basis.”

“I don’t know about daily,” I said, shaking my head. “I was hoping like two days a week.”

“Two days a week?” She looked at me in exasperated surprise.

“Yeah, just enough time so I know whether or not I like it, but not so much time that it takes away fromourbeach time. Hello, golden tans and hot surf dudes, here we come.”

“True,” she said, nodding. “I would love to meet a hot surfer dude.”

“Me too. By the end of the summer, we have to have boyfriends.”

“Yeah. Is that just a dream or a goal?” she asked me.

“It’s a goal, girlfriend. We’re gorgeous. We can get them.”

“I know, but they have to be good guys. I mean, we’ve dated some chumps.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” I nodded.

“And you more than me,” she said as I just shook my head.

“Thanks, Chelsea.”

“What? I’m nothing if I’m not honest.”

“Uh-huh,” I said, laughing.

After a few minutes, she selected a dark gray dress from my closet and handed it to me. “This one.”