“I don’t get it.” I shook my head.

“He’s obviously one of those men that thrives on being in power. Take that power away from him.” She grinned. “Turn him on. Shit, give him a naked massage.”

“No way.”

“Then maybe in your underwear.” Chelsea laughed. “Turn him on and then be like, ‘Now I need to go home to my man so we can fuck.’ Leave him horny and jealous.”

“Chelsea, that sounds like a horrible idea.” I shook my head. “And unprofessional.”

“But he’ll be hard, horny, frustrated, and jealous. He’ll learn not to treat you like crap.”

“You think so?” I looked over at Lily and Natasha. “What do you guys think of that idea?”

“I think it could work,” Lily said. “We women have to use our power.”

“I guess.” Natasha shrugged and then smiled. “It could work, and he’s hot, so maybe it will be fun.”

“I mean, I don’t know.” I leaned back and drank more sangria. “He is hot, but he is so annoying and full of himself. I do want to bring him down a peg or two, but I don’t want him to think I want him.”

“Trust me, sis. Teasing him and then leaving will show him that just because he’s turned on doesn’t mean that you are.”

“True.” I nodded in agreement. “If I make sure to leave without anything happening, I can show him that he does nothing to me.”

“Exactly.” Chelsea grinned. “Show that jerk who’s the boss.”

“I mean, I’m not the boss.” I laughed. “But I do want to show him that I’m oblivious to his big blue eyes and charm.”

“Don’t look now, but there’s an absolutely gorgeous man headed toward us,” Lily whispered excitedly. “Shit, I’d do him right now.”

I looked over to the right and saw Max headed toward us, his face serious as he strode past the gaggle of women all eating him up with their eyes. He was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, and I had to admit he looked gorgeous. I hated the fact that butterflies were doing somersaults in my stomach as he approached. I looked back toward the table and grabbed some more nachos and sat back as if I hadn’t seen him.

“So who wants to go next with their story?” I asked calmly, as if I wasn’t just about to leave.

“Huh?” Natasha asked as she looked over at me. “Are you—”

“Polly Campbell.” Max stopped next to the table. “I thought I told you to be waiting outside for me.”

“Uhm, you’re not the boss of me,” I snapped, then realized what I’d said. “Well, I’m off the clock right now.”

“We have work to do.” He shook his head. “And as my personal assistant, you will come with me and complete the tasks I have for you.”

I pressed my lips together and just glared at him.

“And maybe I’ll even write you a letter of recommendation for your law school apps. You did say you want to get into Harvard, right?”

“Yeah,” I mumbled, looking at him and trying not to notice how built he looked. Why was he so sexy?

“So what’s it to be?”

“Fine,” I said, sliding out of the booth. “But I’m not working all night.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to.” He nodded. “Let’s go.”

“I’m coming,” I said as he strode away from the table and back toward the door. “Ugh, he’s so rude and annoying,” I muttered to my friends.

“He is totally a jackass.” Chelsea nodded, her eyes glowing. “But he’s hot as hell. Have some fun, Polly. Make that man wish he’d never spoken to you that way.”

“I will.” I nodded as I hurried toward the door after him. “By the time I’m done with him, he’s going to have the biggest set of blue balls the world has ever seen.”