“I have a guess,” Finn said, smiling at me. “You’re going to be an astronaut.”
I rolled my eyes. “Okay. You know what? Forget the guesses. I’ve decided I would like to become an attorney.”
“You what?” Harriet’s jaw dropped, and she and Chelsea looked at each other and then at me.
“An attorney?” Chelsea said, surprised. “Like a lawyer?”
“Yeah. That is what an attorney is.”
“Like you want to go to court and stuff?” She wrinkled her nose. “Since when?”
“Since I realized I want to advocate for…”
“Oh my gosh, I know what this is about,” Harriet said, cutting me off. “You watched that documentary on Netflix, didn’t you? About all those innocent men that were in jail for years and years?”
“Yes, but that’s not…”
“Oh, darling,” my mom said. “You’re not deciding what you want to do with your life based off of a TV show, are you?”
“I’m not deciding it based off of a TV show. I’m deciding it…”
“I have plenty of friends who are attorneys,” Finn said. “And all of them tell me that they regret going to law school, but they had to stay with it because they took out so many loans to pay that they had to earn the money back.”
“Well, I was hoping now that Mom and Dad came into all that money, I wouldn’t have to pay.”
“How much is the tuition?” my father asked, looking thoughtful.
“Well, it depends on if I get into Harvard or Yale.”
Chelsea started giggling even louder then. “Harvard or Yale. Are you high, Polly? You’re not going to get into Harvard or Yale Law School.”
“Elle Woods did,” I said, glaring at her.
“Elle Woods is a fictional character,” Harriet said, shaking her head. “Have you really thought this through, Polly?”
“I have,” I said, starting to feel annoyed. This was not how I’d expected my announcement to go. I thought that everyone would be super excited for me and telling me that they’d always seen me as an attorney. “I really think this is what I want to do,” I said. “It will give me purpose in my life.”
“I think that you should do an internship in a law firm first,” Finn suggested. “I can make some calls, see if I can get you in someplace so you can see if this is really the route you want to go.”
“No,” I said, annoyed. “I can find an attorney. I don’t need anyone to find someone for me. I can find somewhere to work for myself.”
“Okay,” he said, “but I do know several people.”
“I know you know several people, Finn. You’re a billionaire, but unlike my sister,” I stared at Harriet, “I don’t need a hand up.”
“I didn’t need a hand up, either,” Harriet said, rolling her eyes. “I met Finn because I was working for him, and we just happened to fall in love.”
“Yeah, it was a bit more complicated than that, I think.”
“Yeah. Well,” Harriet said, “he’s just trying to help you because it seems like you haven’t thought through this plan. Have you even taken the LSAT?”
“Not yet, but I’m planning on taking a prep class so I can study.”
“Okay,” she said, nodding.
“What’s your GPA?” Chelsea said. “I heard you have to have a really good GPA to get into law school.”
“The last time I checked, it was 3.4, right?” Harriet answered for me. “So yeah, definitely no Harvard or Yale,” she said, shaking her head. “I would start looking at…” She wrinkled her nose as I stared at her.