“No beer?” The waitress sounded surprised.
“No, I’m okay for now.”
“And you, girl?” The waitress looked over at me.
“I will have a tequila sunrise, please.”
“Okay. You know this is Colorado’s Finest Beers.”
“We know, but we’re not really beer drinkers.”
“Not unless we’re at a frat party,” Chelsea added, and I laughed.
“Oh my gosh. Don’t remind me about some of those frat parties we’ve gone to.”
“Well, okay,” the lady said. “I’ll be right back.”
“Oh, and excuse me, ma’am,” Chelsea called her.
“Yes, dears?”
“We both would like to ride the bull. How do we go about that?”
“Oh, you just go on over there. You speak to Bobby and you just tell him you want to ride the bull. Now, he won’t charge you right away. But if you don’t stay on, then you get charged. I’ll just bring your drinks back here when you’re ready.”
“Okay, sounds good. Thank you.” Chelsea jumped up. “Okay, I’m ready.”
“What?” I said. “I thought we were going to have a drink first.”
“Oh, no.” She shook ahead. “We’re doing this now because I want to know who’s paying for all the drinks tonight.”
“What do you mean who’s paying for all the drinks tonight? You said you were buying the drinks.”
“No, I think we should stipulate that whoever wins the bucking bull competition gets free drinks as well.”
“Okay. I mean, if you want to make out with a loser and buy my drinks all night, that’s fine by me.”
“We’ll see,” she said sweetly. “Come on.” I followed behind Chelsea toward the bull. My heart was racing. I had never ridden a bull before in my life, and I had no idea if I was going to be any good.
“But you only have to be better than Chelsea,” I whispered to myself, taking a deep breath. I looked around the bar to see who I would make her kiss. There was a really cute guy wearing a motorcycle jacket sitting at the bar. He had blond, spiky hair and was tapping his fingers on the bar top. “He’s kind of cute,” I said to Chelsea, nodding over.
She looked at him and smiled. “Oh yeah, mommy likey,” she said, licking her lips. “Is that who you’re going to choose for me if I lose? Maybe I’ll lose on purpose.”
“Yeah, that’s who I’m going to choose for you,” I said, rolling my eyes. “The most good-looking guy in here.”
She laughed. “Okay. I see you, sis.” I looked around again. There was another skinny guy sitting in the corner smoking a cigarette. He looked like Screech fromSaved by the Bell. I smiled to myself. When Chelsea lost, she’d be kissing him. We both hated the smell of cigarettes. It would be an absolutely awful kiss, but she deserved it. “You want to go first or second?” Chelsea said as we stopped next to the bull.
“I don’t mind. It’s up to you.”
“I’ll go first,” she said. “That way, you know how long you have to hold on.” She paused. “Not that I think it will help.”
“Very nice, Chelsea. You’re absolutely horrible.”
“I love you too, sis.” She walked over to the bull and jumped on, and the man that was sitting next to the makeshift DJ corner pressed a button. The bull started bucking, and Chelsea started screaming and laughing. I grabbed my phone and took pictures of my sister as she waved her hand in the air, seeming to enjoy the bucking bull.
“That doesn’t look so hard,” I said as Chelsea moved back and forth, giggling and laughing. The tall guy from the bar walked over and stood next to me.
“Hey,” he said.