Polly: I love hanging out with my sisters. Beach days. Writing. I hope to be an author one day. I enjoy live music and karaoke, though I can’t really sing that well. HAHA. What about you?

Ben: I’m a beach bum, through and through. I love surfing. Boating. Fishing. I love taking my woman out on dinner dates. I love grilling. I love long walks on rainy days. What sort of books do you write? Is that your day job?

Polly: Ooh, sounds romantic. I write coming-of-age poems and books. I don’t have a day job yet. Thinking of law school, but not really sure yet. It’s not all I thought it would be.

Ben: Law sounds boring. And you look anything but boring.

Polly: HAHA. Law is boring, but maybe I am as well.

Ben: Would love to take you out for dinner one night.

Polly: I could be persuaded.

Ben: Is your voice as sexy as I think it is?

Polly: Hmm?

Ben: Your photos look banging. That bikini photo is 100% what I’m looking for.

Polly: Oh and why is that? HAHA.

Ben: Do you really want to know?

Polly: I can guess.

Ben: If things go well, maybe we can go to Hawaii together?

Polly: Maybe.

Ben: I’d take you to Maui and then I’d…hold on one moment, gotta take my dog out.

Polly: Oh no worries. What sort of dog do you have? I love dogs. Is Maui your favorite island?

I quickly put my phone back into my handbag as I heard Max coming back down the stairs. I looked over my shoulder and frowned as I saw the stack of folders in his hands. This looked like it was going to be a long night, and I was not looking forward to whatever chores he had for me. I’d much rather chat with Ben, who looked hot and was flirtatious enough for it to be fun and not too creepy.

“Are you ready to get to work?” Max asked as he gazed at the TV screen. “You can leave that on, if you want.”

“Oh, thanks,” I said, surprised he was being nice again. “So what is it I have to do? File? Type notes?”

“None of the above.” He shook his head as he placed his files down on the table and gave me a big smile. “Your first task is in the kitchen.”

“Sorry, what?” I blinked in confusion. “The kitchen?”

“Yeah, I need you to unpack the dishwasher and clean out the fridge for me.”

“What?” My jaw dropped.

“I have a business trip to California, leaving on Saturday.” He shrugged. “My housekeeper was sick this week, so I need you to take care of these chores.”

“Are you frigging kidding me?” I glared at him. “You dragged me out here to do your housework?”

“And after you clean out the fridge, you need to do some laundry and pack some suitcases.” He stared at me for a few seconds. “That won’t be a problem, will it?” He took a seat at the table and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “As my assistant, it’s very helpful for you to do what I ask.”

“Of course it won’t be a problem,” I mumbled as I walked to the kitchen. I could feel my phone vibrating as I’d left the dating app open. “Why would it be? I mean when I said I wanted to become an attorney and intern at a law firm, of course I meant I wanted to do menial tasks as well.”

“We all have to start somewhere, Polly.” He gave me a look, and I just stared past him. He was such a jerk, but I wasn’t going to let him get the better of me. I made my way to the dishwasher and watched as he started reviewing some papers in one of the files. I took my phone out to look back at my messages. I smiled as I saw the gorgeous Ben had responded to me.

Ben: I have a GoldenDoodle. She’s very energetic, but so smart. Do you have any pets?