
Max and I drove in silence. I wasn’t surprised that he was driving a Mercedes sedan. It was luxurious and expensive, and I enjoyed the feeling of comfort as we drove along the main road. I was surprised that Max hadn’t said anything to me when I’d gotten into the car, but I didn’t want to be the first person to talk. I had no idea where we were going. I’d assumed we were going to go to the office, but I knew that we weren’t headed in that direction. Finally, I couldn’t stand the silence and spoke up.

“You were extremely rude to me in front of my sister and friends, and I didn’t appreciate it.”

“I didn’t want to go off on you in front of others,” he snapped as he looked over at me. “Do you know how badly you messed up letting unknown personnel have access to our business meeting? Do you know what Henry would do if he found out? We would lose his account. An account that brings in tens of millions of dollars a year to our firm. An account that funds our summer internship program.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled, turning to look out the window. “Where are we going?”

“Back to my house,” he said matter-of-factly. “I told you that you need to work.”

“For how long?”

“However long it takes you. Your boyfriend is on night shift, right? So it’s not like you need to get home right away.”

“Just because he’s on night shift doesn’t mean that I want to work as well,” I mumbled under my breath, feeling super annoyed. “I like to sleep.”

“True, you need to get in your sleep with your highly energetic mornings,” he said sarcastically. “And I don’t mean in the office.”

“My personal life is none of your business, Mr. Whitlock.”

“True. But if it is affecting your ability to do your tasks in the office—”

“It’s not.” I turned toward him again. “How does an orgasm affect me being able to type?”

“I don’t know,” he said, turning to look at me, a glint in his eyes. “You tell me.”

“It doesn’t.” I smiled a satisfied smile. “But what goes on between me and my man stays between me and my man.”

“Uh huh.” Max pulled into a long driveway, and I stared at his house in amazement. This looked even nicer than Finn’s house. “Welcome to my abode. Let’s get to work.”

I slid out of the car and followed him to the front door. Max wasn’t paying attention to me as he was doing something on his phone. I looked at the expansive white home and all the large windows as Max finally put his phone away and opened the front door. We entered the house, and I stared at the light oak wood floors and light walls. The walls were covered in paintings, and I stared around the house. It was one huge open floor plan with large French doors at the far end of the room. I walked toward the back as he turned on lights, and I gasped as I saw the Olympic-size pool in the backyard. This home was amazing.

“Have a seat,” Max said as he nodded toward the expansive white couch in the living room. “Feel free to turn the TV on. I need to take a call right now, and I’ll be back.” He then nodded toward the kitchen. “Feel free to help yourself to anything you want.”

“Uhm okay.” I watched as he walked to a set of stairs in the center of the room and went up. I heard a door open and then close and then made my way to the couch and grabbed the remote control. I had no idea how long his call was going to take, but I wasn’t just going to sit here in silence. The TV came on, and I noticed it was on C-SPAN.Nope, I thought.Not interested.I quickly turned the channel and smiled when I sawTop Chefon the screen. I lovedTop Chef.

I pulled out my phone and texted Chelsea to let the others know I was at Max’s home safely and then opened the dating app to see if I had any new messages. I smiled as I saw I had fifteen new connections and scrolled through them. The latest one was from a guy named Ben, and he had a wide, engaging smile. I quickly read his message, which seemed basic, but nice, and then scrolled through his photos. He was hot. Really, really hot. He had golden-blond hair and big green eyes, enjoyed surfing, dancing and living life to its fullest, and had just moved to Port Sunshine from Hawaii where he’d been a pro surfer for the last couple of years. I immediately messaged him back and grinned when I saw the green light showing he was also online at that moment.

Polly: Hi, thanks for your message. I am still single.

Ben: Tonight is my lucky night. What are you up to this evening?

Polly: Just relaxing. Had a long day at work and then hung out with some friends. You?

Ben: Just doing some work. What do you do for a living?

Polly: Nothing fun. You?

Ben: Nothing fun, either. Why is a pretty woman like you single?

Polly: I’ve only met jerks, haha. Why is a hottie like you single?

Ben: Been focused on my career, but now looking for love. :)

Polly: :)

Ben: What do you do for fun?