Is she going to take him home? Take him to her bed? Or go to his? Will she curl around him like she did when she was in my bed like she can’t get close enough?
I wrap my fingers around the armrests of the chair; it’s the only way I can make sure not to go after them and rip his hand from her body.
“Bring me another one.”
“So?” I pull open the fridge, grabbing the creamer, and add a generous amount to my gigantic cup of coffee. Leaning against the counter, I stir the contents before taking a sip and letting the hot liquid warm me.
Grace leans her elbows on the counter, placing her head on her clasped hands as she gives me a small smile, and I know what’s coming even before she says the words. “What did you think about Michael?”
Dead center.
“He seems fun,” I say non-committedly.
Michael was nice. He was flirty and funny, but most importantly, he was available.
If you’re flirting with one of my teammates…
Flirting with one of his teammates, my ass. Wentworth didn’t care one bit that I was flirting with his teammate. Okay, maybe he did, but his panties got all twisted up later on.
Seriously, who did he think he was? To trap me in a dark corner like that and start bossing me around? I have one big brother; I don’t need another one.
“Date-worthy kind of fun?” Grace asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. There is a note of hopefulness in her voice that’s not hard to miss.
I give her a pointed look. “Just because you’re happy and in a relationship doesn’t mean everybody else has to be, you know?”
“You know what?” Rei asks as she closes the door behind herself. Her hair is pulled in a top knot, a few stubborn strands curling around her flushed cheeks.
“That Grace can’t expect us all to be happily in a relationship. Hell, I don’t even want a relationship.”
Like ever. But I don’t add that last tidbit.
Rei drops her duffle bag by the door with a loudthud. I’ll never understand how she carries that thing that’s twice her size. “I didn’t realize you were dating.”
“I’m not. I went out for drinks.” I give Grace a pointed look. “Drinks that were supposed to be with my bestie, but she showed up with a group of guys.”
Rei gasps, “She did not!”
I glare at my friend. “Don’t encourage her.”
Rei lifts her arms in defense. “I’m just joking. But seriously, what’s the problem? If he’s hot enough…”
“See?” Grace gives me a pointed look before turning her attention to Rei. “Oh, trust me. He’s hot enough—tall, dark, and handsome.”
“That seems like a good start.” Rei nods her head. “You like them tall, dark, and handsome.”
“I also like them not connected with my life or friend group. You know, fewer chances of running into him once I throw him out of my bed.”
Rei rolls her eyes as she opens the fridge, pulling out some of the fruit and veggies for her smoothie. “Wait, who’s the guy again?”
“One of Mason’s teammates. We were at Moore’s last night.”
Rei’s brows pull together in confusion.