“You need a hospital, Jade. You could have internal bleeding, and you most likely have a concussion.”
More possible complications cross my mind, but I shove them back. She’s alive. She’s talking. That’s good. Focus on the good.
“No h-hospitals…” she repeats, this time her voice coming out steadier. “Nobody… know.”
“She’s being stubborn, as you can see,” Marcus mutters. “I swear to you, Jade. If you weren’t lying inside that car already bloodied, I’d strangle you myself. What the hell were you thinking?”
“Pain… G-go… a-away…”
“Fuck…” I run my fingers through my hair, looking around the empty parking lot. “Is anybody home at your place?”
She gives her head a shake.
Okay,I repeat.She’s not Gabriel. She’s not dying. I can do this.
Nodding more to myself than to them, I unbuckle her seatbelt and pull her into my arms. Jade rests her head against my chest, her fingers holding onto my sweaty shirt as I turn to Marcus, who’s watching us silently. “I’ll take her upstairs and take care of her. Thanks for bringing her home to me.”
“Sure thing.” He nods at Jade. “You need help?”
I shake my head. “I’ve got her. Thanks, man.”
“No problem. And I mean it. Tell her I’m going to strangle her once she gets better.”
“You’ll have to get in line.”
With Jade safely in my arms, I make my way to the building. Marcus helps me pull the door open and finds the key to Jade’s place in her bag before going back to his car. I climb the stairs, my leg protesting at the additional weight, but I grit my teeth and push through.
It takes me a moment to unlock the door, but somehow, I manage to do it. Hooking the door with my foot, I shut it behind us and continue straight down the hall into Jade’s room and bathroom.
I gently place her on the toilet, my hand cupping her cheek. “Doll, I need your help now.”
She murmurs something incoherently.
“I’m going to take your clothes off, and then we’re going to wash the blood off of you.”
I didn’t even want to know what the hell I would find once she was clean again. What kind of damage.
You kill everyone you love.My dad’s words echo in my head, but I shove them back.
As gently as possible, I slide her ripped shirt over her head. Jade lets out a soft whimper.
“Shhh… Just a little bit longer,” I whisper, working the button of her pants. “I’ve gotcha. Can you stand up?” Jade nods slowly, so I help her stand, making sure to place her hands on my shoulders. “Lean on me, okay? Just like that.”
Her fingers dig into my shoulders as I tug the jeans down along with her panties before helping her sit once again.
“I’ll turn on the water and fill the bathtub—” I start to get up, but Jade grabs my hand and pulls me back.
“No.” Her grip turns stronger than it was before. One eye is fully open. Her pupil is dilated, hiding the bright blue of her irises, but it’s not that that feels like a kick to my gut. It’s the horror in her eyes. “No, bathtub.”
“Jade, I can’t…”
She shakes her head. “No, p-please… no.”
Tears shimmer in her eyes. She blinks and lets them fall, the liquid turning pink as they trail down her cheeks.
I just watch her completely terrified. I don’t know this girl. I’ve never seen her before, and I don’t know what to do to help her.