“Why? You’re clearly making enough for both of us.”
“Correction. I’m making enough for myself ‘cause I’m hungry.”
Once again, I woke up at the crack of dawn and couldn’t fall asleep, so instead of tossing and turning, I went to the gym. I’d probably still be there if my stomach didn’t start growling. It was so loud that one of the coaches noticed and kicked me out until I got some food.
“You’re an asshole. You know that?”
“A hangry asshole. So if I were you, I’d be careful who you’re trying to steal food from.”
“It’s not stealing,” Spencer mutters as he opens the fridge and looks inside. “It’s called sharing. You should look it up.”
You’re mine, Jade. Mine. And I don’t like sharing.
The hair at the back of my neck raises as those words ring in my head. I could still see the way those blue eyes darkened, the shade of the sky just before the storm before I pulled her in for a kiss.
My cock twitches at the memory.
Seriously?I shake my head, my hand falling down to rearrange myself while my roommate is busy looking for food. “If you wanted to share, you should have found a different roommate.”
“I picked you because I thought you’d be fun, but of course, I got the shorter end of the stick. Besides, shouldn’t you be in a better mood?”
I give him the side eye. “And why would I be in a better mood?”
“I figured if you finally got laid, you’d feel more like yourself, but maybe I was wrong.”
Got laid?My palms start to turn sweaty.How the hell does he know I got laid?
Did he see me leaving Jade’s place? He couldn’t have. I made sure to double-check that the coast was clear before making my way out of her room—which was way more difficult than climbing inside the room.
“And what makes you think I got laid?” I ask, trying to keep my voice as calm as possible.
Spencer pops out of the fridge, a container of leftover Chinese in his hand. “Dude, have you seen your back?”
My back?
I try to look over my shoulder, but I don’t see shit. Now that I think about it, it did feel a little bit tender, but I figured it was probably because of all the workout hours I’d put in.
“What’s wrong with my back?”
“Dude, it’s all messed up and full of scratches,” he barks out a laugh and plops down on one of the bar stools. “You didn’t know?”
“Hell, no.”
I didn’t know that Jade had scratched me. I was too freaking lost in her to notice. Too lost in her smell, in her kisses, in that tight pussy of hers, to think about the damage she was causing. Too lost…
The smell of burnt food spreads through the room.
“Shit.” I grab the pan from the stove, turning it off.
She left marks on me, and now, she cost me my breakfast. I should have known better than to mess with Jade-freaking-Cole. That girl has trouble written all over her.
I look over my breakfast, noticing that most of it is still edible, so I put it on my plate and take the seat next to Spencer.
“So,” Spencer wiggles his brows. “Who’s the hellcat?”
I glare at him. “It doesn’t matter.”
“What? Was she that bad in bed? Is that the problem?”