Page 53 of Kiss to Shatter

Maybe if I drink long enough, it’ll burn away the taste of Jade Cole from my memory too.

Because there is no way, this can happen again.




I groan loudly as the insistent buzzing wakes me from my sleep. And it was a sweet dream. I bury my head into the pillow, trying to cling to the remnants of it as long as possible, hoping whoever’s calling will get the memo and leave me alone. But then, the man in my dreams looks up, and a pair of dark brown eyes fixed on me, the mouth surrounded by weeks’ worth of stubble curling upward in a mocking smile.

Fucking hell.

Blindly I tap the mattress until my fingers curl around my phone, and I answer the call.


“Good. You’re awake,” my brother says, way too chipper for this early in the morning.

“What do you want, Nixon?” I croak, rolling to my back and rubbing my fingers over my pulsing temples.

Damn, how much did I have to drink last night?

I think I stopped counting after the fifth drink or was it the sixth?

But it’s not like I had an option.

I kissed Prescott Wentworth. Well, if we want to be technical about it, he kissed me.

But I liked it.

I liked it a lot.

The image of Prescott is still fresh in my mind. The way his body pressed into mine. The feel of his hands on my skin as they roamed my body. The way his mouth was pressed against mine as if he’d die if he didn’t kiss me. And boy, did he know how to kiss a girl properly. I swear I could still feel his fingers wrapped around my wrists, pinning them against the tree as his mouth worked its way down my neck.

Just thinking about it has a shiver running down my spine.

It unsettled me, the way my body reacted to him, the wayIreacted to him. It was unlike anything I’d ever felt with anybody else.

It scared me.

“Jade?” Nixon asks, breaking me out of my thoughts. “You listening?”

“I-I’m listening.”

“Good, I thought you might have fallen asleep on me, considering all the drinks you had last night.”

“Nixon…” I groan. “Was there a point to this call, or do you just take pleasure in torturing me?”

“I just wanted to make sure you haven’t forgotten about our brunch.”

Brunch?My brows furrow. “What brunch?”

“The one that starts in the next ten minutes.” There’s a small pause, and I can hear Yasmin talking in the background. “Please, tell me you didn’t forget.”

Shit! He was serious about that?

“Of course not,” I lie and throw the blanket to the side, forcing myself to get up. “Why are we having brunch this early again?”