“Well…” Grace tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and gives me a sheepish smile. “About that…”
“We should go in strong. Show them that we’re not messing around.”
Grunts of agreement follow the statement of one of our running backs.
“While I agree to some point, it might come to bite us in the ass if they manage to regroup in the second half, and we’re already tired.”
I nod in acknowledgment. There was something in that theory too. Taking a sip of beer, my eyes scan the space.
Moore’s is filled with people, not that it’s strange. Thursday through Sunday, most of the students come here to pregame before hitting one party or another. And then there were the game nights when either football or hockey teams played, and it’s like half the campus crammed into this space afterward.
A shimmer of dark hair draws my attention. It shouldn’t be this visible, this taunting, not in a dimly lit room, but it is.
Why didshehave to be here?
First, she went on my vacation. Then she moved into my building complex. Then she snuck her way into my bed. And now, she’s occupying my bar.
Laughter booms at the table. I return my attention to the conversation at hand and my teammates. Especially a certain teammate.
What was her deal with Sullivan?
I narrow my eyes at the guy in question. As if he can feel my gaze on him, Sullivan looks up, our eyes meeting for a split second before I look away.
Look at Jade.
Because that’s a good option.
But seriously, what is their deal?
Okay, so they have a class together. It still doesn’t explain what they were doing here, her hand on him, her fingers slowly grazing their way down his arm as if they belonged there.
My fingers curl around the bottle in my hand, imagining it’s his neck.
“Yo, Wentworth!”
“What?” I turn to the table to find my teammates watching me expectantly.Fuck, what were we talking about?
“You with us?” Gregory, one of our kickers, smirks at me. “Or are you looking for some hot pussy?”
Nixon throws a balled-up napkin at him. “Don’t be crass, dude.”
“Hey, don’t you go throwing shade on me, Cole. Just because your lazy ass got domesticated…”
“Domesticated,” Nixon snorts. “It’s called growing up. Maybe you should try it sometime?”
Gregory sprawls back in his seat. “And where would the fun be in that?”
“Somebody’s gotta take care of all the ladies of Blairwood that are still mourning the loss. With their QB1 officially off the market and one of their favorite wide receivers off to the pros, somebody has to console them.”
“I think Wentworth has been doing quite a good job with keeping the ladies occupied these last few months with all the free time he had,” Sullivan says.
I raise my brows. “Jealous, Sully?”