“367. Nixon’s rooming with Prescott, but he texted me saying the guys are at the hotel bar until curfew.”
“You going to meet him there?”
“That’s the plan. I just want to drop the bag off first,” Yasmin smiles at me. “You wanna come?”
“Oh, no. I’ll stay in my room. I want to do some editing on the photos for my class.”
“You sure?”
“Yes.” The elevator pings, and we walk onto our floor and go to our rooms, which are next to each other. Not ideal, but it’ll have to do. “Hey, Yas?”
She presses her key against the door lock, there is a soft buzzing sound, and the door opens. “Yes?”
“Don’t tell him I’m here. I’ll surprise him tomorrow at breakfast.”
“Okay, sure. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“See you in the morning. Don’t have too much fun.”
Unlocking my door, I push inside and flick the light switch on. Dropping my bag on the bed, I look around the simple room and wait to hear the door next door open. It doesn’t take long before I hear Yasmin’s footsteps walk toward the elevators.
I wait five minutes, and then another five just to be sure, before grabbing my essentials and leaving the room.
The hallway is empty as I make my way to the reception. The same guy that checked us in is still working. Perfect.
Plastering a smile on my face, I walk up to him. “Hey there.”
He looks up and smiles back. “Good evening, miss. Is there something I can help you with?”
“As a matter of fact…” I lean closer, biting my lip. “So my friend and I came to surprise my brother. He’s on the Raven’s team. It’s his birthday, and I wanted to leave a present in his room, but I don’t have a key.”
His smile falls. “Miss, I’m sorry, but I can’t…”
“Look,” I shuffle through my bag until I find my driver’s license and pull it out. “His name is Nixon Cole. He’s in room 367. I really am his sister and not some crazy fan or anything.”
The guy looks at the photo and then at me, giving me an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, but it really is against the hotel’s policy.”
“Damn, and I really hoped to surprise him. It’s his first birthday with just the two of us. Our mom died last year, and well…” I tap my fingers against the counter. “But I understand you have to follow your hotel’s policy.” I give him a sad smile. “Thanks anyway.”
I start to walk away.
Biting the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling, I turn around. “Yes?”
“Dude, it’s not fair that we can’t get you drunk on your birthday!” Gregory says as he throws a dart at the board and groans when it barely hits one of the outer circles.
“It’s not like I haven’t been drunk before.”
“But today’s yourbirthday,” Phillip adds as he shoves Gregory out of his way. “It’s different.”
His tongue peeks from the corner of his mouth, his eyes squinting at the board as he tests the darts in his hand.
“Dude, just shut up and throw. You look like a damn dog,” Gregory says, joining us back at the table and taking a sip of his Red Bull. “But seriously, we should throw a party or something when we get back to campus.”