Food and then bed. Otherwise, I’m not going to be able to let her leave my home ever.


Not only is Ryder an amazing kisser, he’s got quite the skills in the kitchen. I ate two bowls of stir-fry and probably would’ve had a third if he hadn’t stopped me.

The stomach ache would’ve been worth every bite.

Now I’m sprawled on his floor, sucking up the heat from his fireplace. It gets pretty cold up here at night, even during the summer. Thanks to a puffed-out lower lip and some light coaxing, I got the guy to lay next to me.

So far, my plan to make Ryder mine has been a success. Even if he’s ready to call it a night and go to sleep, I’m still trying to achieve my goal.

“How long have you been single?” When he sputters at my question, I lift a brow. “I’m curious to know how a guy like you doesn’t already have a wife.”

“Got divorced a long time ago,” he admits, surprising me. “After that headache, I’ve never looked.”

My lips purse and I roll over on my side. “What makes me different?”

His cheeks go a little flushed as he shakes his head. “How could I not look at you? I mean, you came into the headquarters like a storm. All bright and bubbly. Fuck, you wereadorable.Then you just kept swinging by every day, it’s like you wanted to distract me.”

“I definitely didn’t come to see Wesley.” Grinning, I reach out to touch his chest. Ever since I’ve discovered his warmth, I just can’t stop touching him. He doesn’t stop me from trailing my finger up and down his shirt. When I go a little lower each time, he clams up when I brush his belt.

“Cassi…” He lets out a long sigh but doesn’t fully reject me. “Doesn’t your foot hurt? You should be resting, not worrying about me.”

“Barely. The doctor hooked me up.” Biting my lip, I don’t move my hand. “I want to, Ryder.”

I want to do so much with this man. I swear I’ve gotten a whole mental bucket list of things. Touching his cock isn’t even near the top. Sucking it though, that’s a whole different story.

After finally getting a taste of him, my body’s been on fire since. It’s like an itch I’ve been really needing to be scratched and my relief is laying right there on the floor. So close within my reach. I don’t want to mess this up, but I also refuse to stop now, nerves be damned.

He curses and looks away, staring up at the ceiling like those carved swirls have all the answers he needs.

Sucking in a breath, I prepare myself to be told no. Even if I can see the hardened curve digging into the zipper of his jeans, Ryder is still the gentlemanly type.

“Can’t believe this is happening,” he mutters before nodding his head. “Don’t do anything other than what you want. I swear if you hurt yourself-”

I’m undoing his belt before he can even finish his sentence. Right now, I can’t feel any pain. Not when I’ve got adrenaline pumping through my veins. My breath turns thick and heavy once I’m pulling his cock out and feeling it for the first time.

Ryder hisses at my squeeze, cursing under his breath. “Killing me, Cassi.”

I can’t help it. I’ve dreamed of this moment forweeks. He’s so hot and thick and everything I want him to be. Expectations definitely met.

Loving the way my name leaves his lips, I stroke him politely. I’m taking my sweet time, enjoying the way that he’s hardening against my palm.

I have to have a taste or else I’m going to die. Bucket list be damned, Ineedthis for myself.

“Wait,” he huffs out once he catches onto my plan before a moan is ripped from his throat. “Fuck, Cassi. I don’t deserve this. Don’t deserve you.” His eyes are watching me, piercing my body straight to my soul. He brushes my hair with his fingers with such a tenderness that I don’t expect.

Running my tongue up his length, I enjoy the labored breathing from his end. “Don’t talk that way, I won’t have it.”

We deserve each other. He’s my other half without a doubt. Once I get a marriage certificate in my grip, he won’t ever have to worry about divorce or whatever loneliness he’s experienced before meeting me.

“You’re mine, Ryder.” Declaring the words out loud, I hardly have enough time to really enjoy tasting him before the man is pulling me up his chest to kiss me all over again.

I can’t be upset, not when his hands are squeezing and clinging onto my hips like he’s got nothing else to hold onto. Once I’m straddling him, I can still feel his hardness digging into my underwear. The pressure of his erection is all it takes to open up my imagination.

Why suck him off when I can take him here and now?

“I want to do it,” I murmur against his mouth, “with you.”