There’s no hiding my arousal and when she shifts her hips, squeezing my waist with her legs, I’m thinking she’s loving all these ‘results’. It’s torturous and tempting and I’m ready to do anything with this woman. Before I can even think about going further, she’s the first one to break the kiss.

“We should probably head back,” she pants out. Her eyes are all glazed over and her mouth looks a little swollen. When she slides her hand down my chest, her eyes linger a little longer before she clears her throat. Looking in the direction we came from, her smile grows in amusement. “You know, the worst part about going downhill is the walk back up.”

At the moment, I can’t even think about what direction we need to go in, not while she’s resting so comfortably on me.

“Yeah,” I agree half-heartedly. Nodding slowly, I run a hand down my face in an attempt to hide my obvious feelings for the woman. From the looks of it, Melanie’s not struggling like I am.

How can she act so alright after doing something so reckless?

If it’s going to be a fight to keep my feelings in now, it’s going to be a whole war once she leaves for good.


I’m sitting outside of the research facility watching the rain fall. I’m supposed to be out on the mountain spending time with Quinn, yet here I am moping around. Our plans got canceled due to the weather.

I kissed him the last time we were together. I gathered the courage to do something so daring and what did he do after we made it back to the field of flowers? Heignoredme. Stopped looking at me altogether and everything.

My brain can’t put together why he reacted the way he did. It’s frustrating and ugh, I want to stomp over to his workplace and give him a good shake until he can give me some kind of explanation.

The sound of rain is supposed to be calming. There’s no thunder or lightning, nothing to strike up fear. Yet, here I am scared. Scared that I made the wrong decision and shouldn’t have kissed him. Is it too late to laugh this all off and say just kidding? That the kiss didn’t actually mean anything?

My heart can’t possibly take that. Not when I’d be happy to do it all over again whether we are on the mountain or somewhere more comfortable.

What if he’s talking to his boss right now and trying to get someone else on the job? Or worse, telling his colleagues how clingy the nerdy botanist turns out to be. Bleh.

Sighing long and hard, it does very little to ease the ache in my chest. As much as I’d love to mope around and think about all the what-ifs of our situation, I do still need to get some work done. Just because I’m not on the mountain doesn’t mean my work is anywhere near being finished.

* * *

So I really doubt Quinn will be at the headquarters. Even though I told myself I wouldn’t worry about everything, my entire time in the lab is filled with distractions. I need to clear the air so I can focus.

If I messed everything up, I’d like to know now so I don’t start losing sleep over the guy.

Standing in front of the entrance of the headquarters, rain continues to pelt down. The ground is going to be super soft tomorrow morning, that’s for sure.

A bunch of red trucks are lined up in the parking lot, but none have the familiar dent on the front bumper. Maybe I purposely missed the small detail and secretly want to run back to my apartment where I can crack open a tub of ice cream and numb all of my worries.

Instead, I’m shaking off my umbrella and wrapping it up. My feet are the bravest part of my body as I’m on autopilot, walking into the building.

There aren’t many people inside compared to the first time when I came to introduce myself. I spot Ryder walking around and notice his slight limp. I suppose after a long shift he’d be ready to head home.

He notices me when he makes his round and looks confused by my arrival.

“Tell me you aren’t here to complain,” he starts up, already looking stressed. Good to know Quinn must not have already placed his own complaint.

I force a laugh, shaking my head. “Oh no, nothing like that. Quinn’s been great. I’ve actually come to see him. Is he in?”

He scratches at his beard when he looks over his shoulder. “He’s out on a call at the moment but he’ll be back eventually. You’re free to wait at his desk if you want, but there’s no guarantee how long he’ll be.”

Quinn is on the mountainnow? Out in the rain and working in dangerous conditions? My chest clenches and I must have my thoughts written all over my face.

“Comes with the job, Miss. He’ll be alright, Quinn knows how to take care of himself.” Ryder’s words are supposed to be encouraging so I do what I can with them.

“I think I’ll wait then, thank you.” Swallowing down the sickening feeling overcoming my body, I give him the best smile I can fathom up before hunting for Quinn’s desk. I still vaguely remember where it is from the last time I sat across from him.

Once I spot his nameplate, I settle in the chair available and rest my umbrella against the wooden surface. Tangling my fingers together against my lap, I try to relax and take advantage of the time I’m given. Honestly, I came here unprepared. I have no idea what I even want to say. Now I have the chance to run a few conversations through my mind and pick out the best ending.

Next to me at another desk, a fellow red shirt-wearing male talks on the phone with a map spread out in front of him. On the other side of him, a woman sits with her legs propped up, a laptop against her lap. I can hear the clicking of her keys.