“Stretching.” The answer comes out so nonchalantly. Why in the hell does she need to stretch if she’s just going to be sitting in the grass? I don’t have to wait long for my answer.

Melanie must’ve knocked her head or something. She’s not herself. This is only amplified when she decides to dart away in the directionoppositeof her research.

Confusion hits me in a wave as my mind races to keep up with what’s going on.

Melanie’s gone completely nuts. Did she forget why we’re out here? Why in the hell is she running?

Cursing out, I keep up with the woman, maintaining a distance between our bodies. I’m panting slightly, clearly needing to work on my cardio a bit more after going so many shifts without doing much.

After doing something as crazy as this, I swear I won’t let her leave my side again.

With my heart pumping, I round a tree, almost tripping over a root she jumped over only moments ago. Something’s there, a taste of the adrenaline I missed out on by doing these trips with her up the mountain.

From my view, it’s like the woman’s trying to run away from me. Here I am trying to catch her. Fuck, I definitely want to catch her.

Ordering her to stop before she gets hurt, I curse when she ignores me. She’s going to get us lost because of this.

A delicious-sounding laugh leaves her lips when we pass a poor woman walking her cat. I’m so focused on Melanie that I can’t even think about apologizing. Closing the gap between our bodies, I plan on making her stop before anything can happen to her.

Melanie doesn’t make it over the next exposed root that crosses her path, gasping out when her foot gets caught. If it weren’t for my arms wrapping around her frame, catching her mid-fall, she would’ve gotten something worse than a scrape. Unfortunately, I can’t exactly just stop so we hit the ground and I grunt as I try to take the worst of our fall.

Instead of going all stiff and looking uncomfortable, Melanie isgiggling. She’s clutching my shirt, clinging onto me as her breathing remains uneven. My researcher might not be much of a runner, but she’s got quite the spirit.

Damn. If I thought it was impossible to look away from her before, nothing comes in comparison as it feels now. With my arms wrapped around her frame, I don’t immediately release her, not like I should.

“Did you see me go?” she asks, her words being pushed out through heavy breaths. “I didn’t think I could move that fast.”

She isn’t regretting her decision to run even slightly. Instead of feeling annoyed, I’m cracking a smile.

“Barely kept up with you,” I tell her in hopes of making her smile grow. Realizing that I’m still holding her, keeping her back pressed against my chest, I struggle to release my hold. She’s so small and fits well against my chest.

I don’t want to let her go. After catching her, she’s mine. I want to soak in her warmth and let myself enjoy this moment as long as possible.

Melanie doesn’t try to pull away but does try to twist around so she’s no longer laying on top of me. Her cheeks are flushed as she meets my eyes and her fingers curl against my shirt. Her lips part, yet nothing comes out.

Why hasn’t she gotten off of me yet? Shouldn’t she be repulsed or apologetic? Hell, anything that isn’t speechless.

“What was all that about?” I ask when the silence grows a bit too consuming.

When she sits up, my arms slide away from her. Prepared for the loss of her heat, I’m surprised when she straddles me. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, her smile softens.

“Testing theories.” Her answer is confusing and I don’t exactly understand what she’s trying to test.

“Were you satisfied with what you found?” Relaxing against the ground, I’m in no rush of standing. Not while I’ve got quite the view.

“Very much so. It feels good to know I’ve been right so far.” Now she’s radiating in confidence and it’s such a better look for her. Far better than the nervous and shy researcher I met a few weeks ago.

Knowing damn well I don’t have any right to touch her, I can’t help but brush my fingers against her bare thighs. If I’m not careful, Melanie’s going to know how I feel about her real soon.

“Got any more of those you need to get out of the way? It would be nice to know ahead of time,” I half-joke, knowing damn well I won’t be able to survive a wave of these tests. Not when I’m genuinely concerned about her safety.

“If I told you ahead of time, it would affect the results,” she explains as she shakes her head. Biting her lip, she slightly hesitates. “Though I will admit that I do have one more theory I’d like to get the answer to. Now is a pretty good opportunity.”

I don’t have time to ask her what she plans on doing next. Not when she leans down andkissesme. If she’s thinking I’ll return the motion, I am happy to let her confirm her suspicions.

While her hair is tickling my cheeks, I’m tangling my fingers in the loose strands. So soft and silky that it feels illegal to touch the strands with my rough hands. Once I get to feeling her, I can’t stop. I’ve never known bliss but this has got to be it.

When Melanie cradles my chin, her touch is light as a feather. Her mouth parts and I get to taste bliss at its source. Such sweetness goes to my cock, hardening underneath her body.