At the time, I didn’t even know she was in the building when I expressed my disinterest in the job Ryder had forced on me. Now I’ve botched her first impression of me.

Melanie’s not wearing some cute sundress this time around, but casual jeans and a shirt that hides everything I saw the day before. It’s terrible of me to think it’s a shame, but I can’t help myself.

I told myself I’d apologize as soon as I saw her, but that was fifteen minutes ago when she was supposed to be ready. I can’t blame my inability to speak on my annoyance, not when she reaches my truck panting.

“I’m so sorry. I lost track of time,” she breathes out. Her excuse doesn’t bother me as much as it should. As her words shake, she looks like she’s ready to cry.

Fuck, I’m not that scary to her, am I?

“It’s fine, let’s go,” I order. Even now, I can’t sound gentle. That’s not the kind of person I am. Need to fix that if I want the woman to ever send a smile my way.

Melanie circles my truck and it’s not until I hear the thumping at her side that I realize she’s got a bag with her. Probably filled with her supplies. Is it heavy? Does she plan on hiking the mountain with it?

Would I scare her if I offered my assistance?

“Where to?” I ask, scowling ahead. Don’t like all the questions filling my head at once. The poor woman doesn’t need me pestering her. If she asks for help, I’ll help. If not, I’ll mind my own business.

Her cheeks remained flush as she digs around her bag. Pulling out a map, she unfolds the large paper. Scooching closer to me, I have to work hard not to purposely enjoy the smell of whatever body wash she used this morning.

This woman is something else. She’s radiating innocence and must be determined to make me suffer. It’s not about babysitting her anymore.

Her existence is enough to bother me. Did she really think she could go up the mountain all by herself? Thinking about her going up there leaves a throbbing in my temple. Even if she tripped and scraped her knee, that’s too much damage. That won’t happen, not on my watch.

I’ve got to be on my best behavior and prove to her that I’m not terrifying. That I can keep her safe. The last thing I want is for her to go running off to Ryder. I don’t care about getting scolded. No, I don’t want him replacing me with someone who might not be as capable of doing something I know I can do myself.

“Quinn?” Her voice is so soft, so cautious. Blinking up at me with wide brown eyes, she bites her lip and I realize I’m doomed. This job is going to be torturous in more ways than one.

I try to focus on her finger sliding across the paper, tracing lines already drawn on. “Yeah, go on.”

“This is the first spot. I took a look at your trails, but you don’t exactly have one nearby, so we’ll have to do some walking.” She brushes her shoulder against mine and fuck, she’s close.Tooclose.

When in the hell did I start having trouble talking to women? I can’t look at her now, not while her arm is pressed up to my side.

I start the truck, nodding my head to her words. No complaints, not from my end. I need to get some fresh mountain air in my system. At least then I’ll be able to breathe and regain the ability to think.

When Melanie folds up her map and settles on her side of the truck, I can only be thankful when she buckles up. The distance is very much needed.

* * *

“Careful when you walk,” I advise her as we park on the edge of the trail. “It rained all night so it’s going to be slick.”

Taking my warning seriously, she follows close to my side as she looks at her map. After handing me her compass, we’re walking through a heavily forested area of the mountain. With her eyes glued down, I’m forced to lightly guide her away from running into a tree. Yeah, keeping her safe is going to be a handful. I didn’t think this job would involve getting hands on with the woman.

I can’t help but notice the way her face reddens when I touch her. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing. Either way, it makes an unfamiliar stirring in my chest. The same sensation I felt when I first looked at her yesterday.

I can’t keep my eyes off of her for a second, not that I want to. I won’t let her out of my sight, I swear to it.

We continue walking further and further away from the trail. As much as I enjoy staring at the woman, I have to be careful and also take in our surroundings. People get lost on the mountain all the time. I can’t even count how many searches we’d done last week alone without losing track.

When we reach an open field of white flowers on stalks, I lift up a brow. “Is this what we’ve come for?”

Melanie is beaming, looking like she’s won a prize. Without answering my question, she rushes forward and almost slips. Catching herself on a tree, she hardly pays any attention to her safety before throwing her body toward the field.

Grunting, I try to keep up with her. Should probably throw down a “no running” rule attached to the “no getting hurt” rule that’s already planted in my head. Something tells me Melanie won’t listen either way, not when she’s so excited.

“Look how gorgeous they are.” She peers closer but keeps her hands to herself.

Staying a couple of feet behind, I watch the woman get all excited about a bunch of flowers. I might not know their importance or whatever, but I can’t miss the way she’s reacting to them. I hope she stays this way at each stop.